Sunday, May 31, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

We spent most of this week in NC visiting the fathers (and other folks), so there’s lots of scenery & people… 

Sunday, May 24th      
Today was Pentecost, wherein we all wear red and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. One of my favorite parts of the service is during the reading of the passage in Acts (2:4) which talks about speaking in many languages – we have people read that section in different languages (Mandarin, French, Italian, ESL…) - all at the same time. It’s a nice babble.

I finally finished this crochet scarf/shawl. I was laughing at my inability to get a good picture of the whole thing while I was wearing it. Finally, I see the advantage of a selfie stick! I did enlist Dr. M’s aid to get a picture of the back.

The moon & company…

Monday, May 25th  
We drove down to NC today. I laughed at myself because I happened to look in the mirror & saw that once again I was wearing two pairs of glasses at the same time.

Tuesday, May 26th           
My daily walk – a ramble around my dad’s yard.

Dr. M caught these dog food thieves in the act!

Wednesday, May 27th   
I spent some time crocheting and watching my dad work in the yard.

And I rambled around the yard again.

Meanwhile, Dr. M went to see his dad & found some sheep (of course!).

While he was at his dad’s house he watched a bluebird couple feeding their babies.

Scenes from his day.

 Thursday, May 28th    
I went with Dr. M & his dad to walk along the river. If you’d like to see the things that we saw, check out Dr. M’s blog here.

I love this picture that Dr. M took of a lily in his father’s yard – for some reason this seems like a very Easter picture.

That evening there was finally some serious rain at my dad’s house – May had been very dry down there.

Friday, May 29th
On Friday we met a friend from our days at seminary – it was so good to spend some time with her! Then that evening we went out to eat with Daddy & Amy.

When we got back we played corn hole for a while.

Saturday, May 30th                
We drove home today. On the way we stopped to see Karen, a blog friend (who is now a friend in “real” life). We had such a good time! We’ll definitely do that again when we’re driving through her neck of the woods.

Safely home, we were greeted by the moon…

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bedwetter Irascible Awnings (A Dr. M Guest Post)

I just have to post about my new shade: the Bedwetter Irascible Awning! The swing frame is reinforced by a large rusty C-clamp (actually more of a D-clamp), the old awning frame is held together with duct tape, and the extended awning is supported by an antique tobacco stick and held in place by clothespins and a hair thingamabob. 

At Bedwetter Irascible Awnings, it's the little things that matter, such as our aforementioned decorative yet functional front clip,

our quick-release pins for the awning extension flaps, which allow you to compensate for late-afternoon sun angles, 

 and our up-cycled, accented wood support for the awning extension! 

Note also that your safety is top priority, as evidenced in the rusty clamp (hey, you know it's steel if it rusts like that!) and the extensive use of top-quality tape to maintain your awning frame's integrity. 

And while you're looking at the details, note the perfectly distressed quality of our awning material! With each one literally years in the making, we think we offer the most distinct awnings in the industry!

Bedwetter Awnings now come with Kewl Blu liners, with NASA approved reflective technology! 

The "space blanket" was developed in 1964 as a part of the Apollo program. This is the "emergency blanket" version...coated with reflective material on one side to hold in body heat in situations where hypothermia is a possibility. Inversely, it makes for a nice shelter half, is mostly waterproof, and makes for some cool shade with the reflective side up. 

There you have it folks - the latest in shade technology. You know you want one! But better hurry - these babies will be jumping off the shelves! Or falling...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-one

“This week was finchy & flowery, and churchy… Dr. M & I both took lots and lots of pictures – I promise that I did actually leave out a bunch, even though I’m sure it doesn’t look like it here.” That’s last week’s intro. Exchange doves for finches, add some squirrels & toads, and you’ve got this week too. Ha!

Sunday, May 17th      
Today we had a rogation service at church. Instead of meeting at our usual time and place, in the afternoon we headed out to the new property of one of our parishioners. We walked the fields while the priest blessed various things, had Eucharist, and then like all good ChurchPeople everywhere, we ate. It was a really really good day.

Monday, May 18th  
Dr. M took pictures of our hanging baskets, and our neighbor’s hybrid poppies and roses.

The first of two pictures of squirrels eating corn. This is the corn that the squirrels planted in our raised bed last year – we put it away for winter & then forgot about it. They’re enjoying it now.

That evening we enjoyed the fire pit and saw a toad. This was a good day too.

Tuesday, May 19th           
Random dove. I love their blue eyeliner, and the way they are so ungraceful when they come in for a landing.

The moon!

Wednesday, May 20th   
Squirrel sitting in his own special chair eating corn.

Thursday, May 21st     
Another dove and another squirrel – and a robin & its shadow.

My daily walk – chasing the sun!

The moon (and friend).

Friday, May 22nd
Peonies! Dr. M knows they’re my favorite flower. They are all over the cemeteries up here. He drove by one & took the time to take these pictures for me. Sweet!

I took a break from work to help hang our Pentecost doves in our sanctuary. On Facebook I said, “Filed under: Senior Warden, other duties as required. ‪#‎Pentecost

My daily walk. The pink latex glove with bunny ears made me laugh & laugh.


Saturday, May 23rd               
Doesn’t this squirrel look like he’s running from the law?

I finished this scarf/shawl today. I’ll share pictures the completed project later (I’m blocking the ends of it).

I also spend a lot of time cutting “flames” out of construction paper. Then I went over to the church & attached them to dowels which I then affixed to the windowsills with those little stick on mailbox flag holders (Dr. M painted them white for me). It was quite a process! And I’m not super happy with the result, but I figure I got it started so other, more crafty, folks can “fix” it.

Dr. M got a new camera lens, which has macro and zoom capabilities (Sigma 18-250). He’s pretty pleased with it!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty

This week was finchy & flowery, and churchy… Dr. M & I both took lots and lots of pictures – I promise that I did actually leave out a bunch, even though I’m sure it doesn’t look like it here.

Sunday, May 10th      
My daily walk – mowing. On a Sunday, I know – but we had to take advantage of the weather before we ended up needing a bush hog. Unfortunately I ran out of gas (or, rather, the mower ran out of gas). I didn’t mind all that much. Ha!

Our rector’s husband is QUITE a woodworker (he made the yarn bowl I shared a few weeks ago). I had told him that yarn bowls don’t usually work very well with the type of yarn that I use & he made a spindle for me! I LOVE IT!

Monday, May 11th  
A non-goldfinch finch at our feeder.

Dr. M does a pretty good job of picking out hanging baskets. He moved this one over to our neighbor’s fence so that he & his wife can enjoy it too.

Tuesday, May 12th           
Our new feeder is quite the success!

Growing things around the yard.


My new spindle in action – love it! Did I mention that I love it?

My daily walk.

Wednesday, May 13th   
Sheep!! That raggedy one in the middle bottom makes me laugh.

Dr. M always knows that he has to take pictures of the purple & yellow flowers that bloom by the sides of the roads.

More finchy goodness.

My daily walk.

Thursday, May 14th    
Dr. M went over to the neighbor’s yard to get some pictures of their poppies and irises – gorgeous!

Friday, May 15th  
Ms. Pinky is definitely bouncing back from her rude spring. We’re quite relieved.

I left today for a Vestry retreat at our local Episcopal retreat center. I over packed as usual (I was only gone one night). And I had a stowaway!

I took a walk around the grounds before Evening Prayer.

Saturday, May 10th              
Morning Prayer. We met together for prayer & also for a few sessions where we talked about things that are important for our church. And then we spent most of the rest of the time in silence. Nice!

My daily walk – it’s a lovely place.

Afternoon snack – gourmet s’mores!

Holy Eucharist. After the service Mother Lynn blessed the preemie hat that B knitted during the retreat.

While I was doing all that, Dr. M took more pictures of our pretty yard.


Hope everyone has a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...