Sunday, May 3, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

What a beautiful week! We still had some low temps, but mostly the weather has been really pleasant. Plus, the moon!

Sunday, April 26th     
The long hair picture popped up on my Time Hop today. Sometimes I miss all that hair…

It was a little chilly, but I couldn’t resist sitting outside to crochet for a bit.


The moon!

Monday, April 27th  
Mowed after work. It was chilly enough that I wore a light jacket!

Tuesday, April 28th           
Worked on a project during conference call.

Dr. M saw Puppy Cow Daycare!

Campus flora & fauna…

The moon!

My daily walk – I saw a rabbit and ducks! Our neighborhood isn’t usually so diverse :)

 Wednesday, April 29th   
I laughed at today’s page from my Zen a Day calendar. I wondered if it was anything like a baby monkey riding backward on a pig. Ha!

Took a walk in the office park where I work. Not very exciting, but a really pretty day! You can see the sunglasses I bought off the kiddie rack :)

Meanwhile, Dr. M was photographing pretty flowers at school. Oh, and a bonus squirrel.

Even our finch feeder is diverse – here’s a house finch. We’ve also seen plenty of the golden variety too this week.

Thursday, April 30th    
I smiled at my daily motivational tip on my desk.

Our back yard…

The moon!

Friday, May 1st
I was dusting & accidentally woke up the Furby!

Dr. M stopped by the nursery to get a hanging basket for me. Pretty!

I finished my project. It’s a bit pink, but maybe if she wears it with black that will tone it down some…

The moon!

Saturday, May 2nd             
I started off my day by grabbing what I thought were white socks out of the drawer. Oops! (That’s a penguin in case you can’t tell). Then I locked my keys in my car, and was an hour early for a church meeting that didn’t even happen at all. However, it was a nice quiet time of goofing off on my computer & crocheting, so, really, a normal Saturday (except for the socks).

Meanwhile, Dr. M was taking a picture of one of our robins. They make me laugh!

I’ll leave you with the moon!


Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Great moon shots. I think you look very stylish with shorter hair.

  2. Love seeing the moon grow through the course of the week!

    I, too, like the shorter hair - you look very cute and sassy.

  3. You look great with long and short hair -- but short is much easier/quicker to deal with each morning :)

    What a lovely Spring you're having!

  4. Sometimes I miss all that hair…

    Yeah, I say the same thing but my situation is far worse. It's bad when the barber tells you straight up that the twelve bucks he charged me was easy money he would make all day. He essentially said I have just enough hair to look bad when it gets long but no where near enough to mean anything as far as style is concerned.

  5. Short hair. SHORT HAIR!

    Couldn't Dr. M get any shots of the moon this week?

  6. lovely moon shots, and liking the penguin socks

    1. Thank you! I love the moon...and we love penguins!

  7. The long hair reminds me of my dear old Mum ... long gone but never forgotten.

    Keep it short Dana ... the hair, that is.

    Superb lunar photographs, really well done!

  8. It was a week of Surprises! You are fortunate that you recognize the Serendipity in your life. I need to try to be more like you.

    Your hair, when long, is truly beautiful and bountiful. Anyone would want hair like that. When it's short, however, we see YOU, the Whole Package and Personality. The new cut suits your overall demeanour and character. It's just part of you, whereas the long hair kind of became a separate entity that wore you.

    BTW--those sunglasses are perfect. Get another pair in a different colour and rock those too.

  9. that flower looks like...ahem. Ii would have been perfect for my botanica series!

  10. I'm siting in a doctor's waiting room... bored half to death, but when I saw that before and after of your hair, I almost laughed out loud. So cute. But you know my fave is the short.

  11. I love the blue throat on that grackle! And I need that motivational expression on MY desk today. Maybe I should print it out. :)


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