Sunday, May 31, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

We spent most of this week in NC visiting the fathers (and other folks), so there’s lots of scenery & people… 

Sunday, May 24th      
Today was Pentecost, wherein we all wear red and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. One of my favorite parts of the service is during the reading of the passage in Acts (2:4) which talks about speaking in many languages – we have people read that section in different languages (Mandarin, French, Italian, ESL…) - all at the same time. It’s a nice babble.

I finally finished this crochet scarf/shawl. I was laughing at my inability to get a good picture of the whole thing while I was wearing it. Finally, I see the advantage of a selfie stick! I did enlist Dr. M’s aid to get a picture of the back.

The moon & company…

Monday, May 25th  
We drove down to NC today. I laughed at myself because I happened to look in the mirror & saw that once again I was wearing two pairs of glasses at the same time.

Tuesday, May 26th           
My daily walk – a ramble around my dad’s yard.

Dr. M caught these dog food thieves in the act!

Wednesday, May 27th   
I spent some time crocheting and watching my dad work in the yard.

And I rambled around the yard again.

Meanwhile, Dr. M went to see his dad & found some sheep (of course!).

While he was at his dad’s house he watched a bluebird couple feeding their babies.

Scenes from his day.

 Thursday, May 28th    
I went with Dr. M & his dad to walk along the river. If you’d like to see the things that we saw, check out Dr. M’s blog here.

I love this picture that Dr. M took of a lily in his father’s yard – for some reason this seems like a very Easter picture.

That evening there was finally some serious rain at my dad’s house – May had been very dry down there.

Friday, May 29th
On Friday we met a friend from our days at seminary – it was so good to spend some time with her! Then that evening we went out to eat with Daddy & Amy.

When we got back we played corn hole for a while.

Saturday, May 30th                
We drove home today. On the way we stopped to see Karen, a blog friend (who is now a friend in “real” life). We had such a good time! We’ll definitely do that again when we’re driving through her neck of the woods.

Safely home, we were greeted by the moon…

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. A wonderful visit to Carolina once again. You all look so happy with your family and friends. Thank you for sharing your trip home, Dana and Michael.

  2. Looks like a great trip! Cool that you got to meet up with a blog pal. I laughed at how Dr. M found sheep on his trip to see his dad -- he IS a sheep magnet.

  3. North Carolina sure is pretty country! Looks like a very fun, relaxing week.

  4. Sounds like another great week. So glad the rain came. We got a lot of it as well.

  5. looks like a good time was had. now that I have to wear glasses to drive I'm glad that my sunglasses fit over my seeing glasses.

  6. I am the queen of 2 pairs of glasses at once :)

  7. When I actually worked for a living, my glasses were almost always perched on top of my head. Makes me wonder why I even wore them.

  8. For some reason, Wednesday's picture of the dirt road winding itself through the field up to those trees really really appeals to me. You should print and frame and hang it!

    Isn't it the most fun to meet blogging friends? I've met two so far - and I have no idea why I was a bit afraid before the actual meeting of awkward lulls in the conversation and the possibility that we might not "click." Ha!

    1. We've met Karen once before, and we definitely clicked! She is fabulous. This time she welcomed us to her beautiful mountain home in WV. She is such a lovely person! We met her hubby, too....bonus points! Nothing to fear, for sure!

  9. I agree with Pixel, the picture of the dirt road going into the trees was awesome!

  10. Quite a stormy-looking shawl.

    Amy looks to be in tip-top game form. Hope there was no wagering.

  11. great shots again - particularly the road through the field, the rain shot and, of course, the cat

  12. great shots again - particularly the road through the field, the rain shot and, of course, the cat

  13. looks like a lovely visit - I like the blue colour in your shawl too. Fab moon. I must compare it to mine soon.


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