Sunday, May 17, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty

This week was finchy & flowery, and churchy… Dr. M & I both took lots and lots of pictures – I promise that I did actually leave out a bunch, even though I’m sure it doesn’t look like it here.

Sunday, May 10th      
My daily walk – mowing. On a Sunday, I know – but we had to take advantage of the weather before we ended up needing a bush hog. Unfortunately I ran out of gas (or, rather, the mower ran out of gas). I didn’t mind all that much. Ha!

Our rector’s husband is QUITE a woodworker (he made the yarn bowl I shared a few weeks ago). I had told him that yarn bowls don’t usually work very well with the type of yarn that I use & he made a spindle for me! I LOVE IT!

Monday, May 11th  
A non-goldfinch finch at our feeder.

Dr. M does a pretty good job of picking out hanging baskets. He moved this one over to our neighbor’s fence so that he & his wife can enjoy it too.

Tuesday, May 12th           
Our new feeder is quite the success!

Growing things around the yard.


My new spindle in action – love it! Did I mention that I love it?

My daily walk.

Wednesday, May 13th   
Sheep!! That raggedy one in the middle bottom makes me laugh.

Dr. M always knows that he has to take pictures of the purple & yellow flowers that bloom by the sides of the roads.

More finchy goodness.

My daily walk.

Thursday, May 14th    
Dr. M went over to the neighbor’s yard to get some pictures of their poppies and irises – gorgeous!

Friday, May 15th  
Ms. Pinky is definitely bouncing back from her rude spring. We’re quite relieved.

I left today for a Vestry retreat at our local Episcopal retreat center. I over packed as usual (I was only gone one night). And I had a stowaway!

I took a walk around the grounds before Evening Prayer.

Saturday, May 10th              
Morning Prayer. We met together for prayer & also for a few sessions where we talked about things that are important for our church. And then we spent most of the rest of the time in silence. Nice!

My daily walk – it’s a lovely place.

Afternoon snack – gourmet s’mores!

Holy Eucharist. After the service Mother Lynn blessed the preemie hat that B knitted during the retreat.

While I was doing all that, Dr. M took more pictures of our pretty yard.


Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I like the spare, modernist look of your church. Very pretty. And the spindle is great too -- that guy must be able to work pretty fast!

  2. Week 20 looks like a whole week full of beautiful blessings to me. I love your yellow finches and your irises, your neighbors poppies and that light blue pansy. I am so glad Ms. Pinky is recovering. Your retreat seems peacefully full of the music of the spheres, speaking to you everywhere.

  3. Beautiful woodworking. Yesterday, I saw 10 goldfinches simply clinging to the neighbor's chimney on the side of the house. I was so surprised! It was quite the impromptu display.

  4. ya know, it never occurred to me that goldfinches were finches!

  5. Lovely walk. Keep up the routine. Maybe one of these days I'll pick up the habit.
    We enjoy watching the bright goldfinches as we eat breakfast.
    Gorgeous hanging basket and double poppies.
    So much beauty. Thank you.

  6. I can remember the peace of those silent communions with nature during my childhood churching days. Guess I should take my Inner Buddhist out to the woods one of these days.

  7. As usual, I love hearing about your week. Great spindle. My yarn just sits in a bag on the floor as I work. Looks like a great spring there. A weekend of quiet must be refreshing.

  8. All of your pictures just prove that spring is the best season. Love all the colors! And to think...just a few short months ago, everything was cold and covered in snow!

    1. We are very happy with our spring! The weather has shifted (again...this IS Ohio), so the humidity went away and the temps dropped. Time for yardwork!

  9. you are absolutely church without eating!!..I head up our Cafe Church once a month...starts with breakfast...and goes on from there!!...great pics this week.


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