Thursday, May 7, 2015


If you've paid any attention at all you know that I'm obsessed with my hair. Which is really funny because - beyond blow-drying - I have no hair skills at all. Case in point. I had this idea of how to get a cute 20s 'do like this one:

Marcel wave
I washed my hair in the evening & put some hair clips into it.

In the morning it looked like this:


This is almost what I wanted...

But the other side? Not quite the look I was going for. Good thing my hair looks just fine if I blow-dry it!

P.S. Sorry for the lack of makeup. Well, I'm not really sorry - but if it offends you then I'm sorry. Ha!


  1. ProTip--Do the clip thing with a bit of hair gel on damp hair and then blow dry immediately. (Who doesn't move her head at least a few times in the night?)

  2. I have tried ALL the Pinterest tutorials on hair & my hair NEVER turns out like it should... I wonder if you put LONGER clips or barrettes if it would work ????? .. .you did get a good 'dent' with the smaller one.
    BTW - love the shorter hair on you.

  3. Bad hair days, good hair days ... what's the problem? At least you've GOT hair. xx

  4. I'm sure chemicals were used to get that wavy look. Too much of that and your hair will probably fall out. I think your hair looks great.

  5. I'm already jealous of your hair. I've resigned myself to the fact that when it comes to hair, I'm a male. Wash, towel dry, shake, comb, air dry, hope for the best.

  6. my hair has a mind of it's own. I don't even bother to blow dry.

  7. Maybe you could find some of those wave clips they used to use back in the day. I bet eBay has them.


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