Sunday, November 29, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

This week was all about crochet & the moon – and Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22nd    
Two ladies in our church made this banner. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Monday, November 23rd        
I think there’s supposed to be a deer in there somewhere, but I just really really like this picture. I made it my cover photo on Facebook because it matches my hair :)

The moon!

Tuesday, November 24th                      
Campus critters.

Wednesday, November 25th              
Square #4 of pattern #23. I’m pretty much out of this yarn now (& it’s discontinued) – not sure how I’m going to do the last square of the blanket or attach all the squares to each other. I do have about 20 smaller squares that I crocheted from this yarn back when I first taught myself to crochet – I might unravel some of those. This blanket is meant for Dr. M & me, so I can spend some time in the New Year figuring out what to do with it.

The moon!

Thursday, November 26th – Happy Thanksgiving!
We missed being with our NC families, but it was nice to hang out at home & let Dr. M feed me. He did a fabulous job with the meal. We had a turkey breast cooked in the crock pot, green beans & creamed corn canned by my dad & Amy, dressing, an ancient can of cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy (because I don’t like dressing), and PECAN PIE. Yum! And during the day while Dr. M was cooking on that, I worked on a draft dodger, using scrap yarn. We’d been using an old towel & it was only recently that I thought to myself that surely I could make something that would be more attractive than that.

The moon!

Friday, November 27th     
Square #1 of pattern #24 – the LAST PATTERN!! Heading down the home stretch here…

I couldn’t sleep Friday night (Too Much Caffeine), so I doodled with my coloring app.

Saturday, November 28th       
In the wee hours I looked over at Miss Pinky & I swear she asked me what the heck I was still doing awake, so I took her picture. Ha!

Later, Dr. M had a more proper photo shoot with her.

Square #2 of pattern #24 (the LAST PATTERN!!).

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Apparently I have a new tradition - writing a poem for my dad's family's annual Thanksgiving gathering. Unfortunately, Dr. M & I can't be there today, so I'm just going to imagine all that fabulous food & fellowship. (Daddy is saving some of my Aunt Marilyn's Persimmon Pudding - hope it keeps until Christmas!) Today's poem is short & sweet - about my dairyman grandfather & his lovely hairdresser bride. I've used this picture of them several times now - and wouldn't you if they were your grandparents? Such pretty people...

Mary and Bud
Had a little prewar romance
And here we all are.
A glance,
A word in someone’s ear,
A chance taken…
And here we all are
United in thanksgiving for
This family built
From milk and hair pins.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

Is it just me or did this week fly by? I have no idea what happened! Let’s see…
Sunday, November 15th      
The altar flowers today were in honor of Dr. M’s birthday!

The moon…

Monday, November 16th       
Dr. M’s lawn mowing herd of sheep.

Tuesday, November 17th                      
New hair! I was highly amused at the “during” picture – terrifying! I texted it to Dr. M just to alarm him. Heh.

Dr. M saw this cavorting herd of deer.

Square #2 of pattern #23.

Wednesday, November 18th              
Dr. M found these sweet donkeys – check out the photobombing sheep – ha!

Thursday, November 19th   
The moon!

Friday, November 20th     
My daily walk. These birds were having the best time in the top of that tree.

I finally jumped on the adult coloring bandwagon – the digital version anyway. This is an app on my phone.

Saturday, November 21st       
Square #3 of pattern #23.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


I was looking for something else & found this poem that I wrote in 2011. I think you probably know why I felt compelled to post it today...

Banquet Scene with a Lute Player by Nicolas Tournier, 1625


Beggar blind man rich man fool
Teacher’s pet & satan’s tool
The watchful waiting wary too
All are welcome at the table

The first the last the meek & mild
Weakened hearts and Thursday’s child
Wicked warped and undefiled
All are welcome at the table

Ancient crones and newborn souls
Ishmael Isaac Vishnu Joe
The undecided and in the know
All are welcome at the table

Come in come in it’s almost time
I’ll wash your feet and you wash mine
Eat the bread and drink the wine
Just join me at the table!

Dana Rhyne

Sunday, November 15, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

This week was all about the Moon Man – Dr. M! Well, mostly, anyway…
Sunday, November 8th      
The Diocesan Bishop visited our church so it was a big day! Did I take a picture of him or his lovely wife? No! But I did get a picture of the cake – that’s our stained glass window in the middle there. Cool! I also liked the shadow of my hands on the cake. Ha!

My daily walk. Pretty day!

Monday, November 9th       
Ohio fall…

Tuesday, November 10th                      
I was going to do a 10 on 10 post, but this is the only picture I took.

Dr. M caught squirrels in their two main states – zoom & squat.

Wednesday, November 11th              
Ohio fall…

Today Dr. M used this old picture of one of his paintings as his Facebook cover photo. It’s one of my favorites.

My daily walk – the season of gazelling has begun. This summer I asked myself, “Self – why did you gazelle all winter? You can handle a little cold & dark!” Tonight I responded to that self, “But I can’t handle the wind!” Plus, I was sick again. Sigh.

Thursday, November 12th   
Ms. Pinky is now safely indoors. She doesn’t seem too upset about it.

As I wrapped Dr. M’s presents (the 13th is his birthday!) I was annoyed that I’d forgotten to make sure we had appropriate gift wrap. So, yes, generic bag, Thomas the Train paper, and Christmas paper. When I said something to him that evening he said that he appreciated that I hadn’t taken Christ out of his birthday. #starbucksredcup

Friday, November 13th     
Happy birthday dear heart! The wife of one of his students got him balloons & this crazy sheep. Love it! (And I love that his students – and their spouses - love him.)

We went out for Mexican food. Here’s the birthday boy with his birthday ‘rita.

Birthday moon!

Saturday, November 14th       
Out back.

As I said on Facebook, first I dreamed that I was on a crocheted submarine. Then later I dreamed that I accidentally tried to put one of my hair barrettes in the computer slot instead of the camera chip (pictured here). When I finally figured out why it wouldn't work I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe - woke myself up laughing. Ha!

Square #1 of pattern #23. A few notes: 1. Just one more pattern to go! 2. I ALWAYS (always) start with the red/orange/magenta/yellow colors so it usually has a few errors in it as I sort out the new pattern. This time (yes, the next to last time) I decided to start with different colors. 3. You can probably tell, but this picture is pre-blocking.

The moon! I couldn’t decide which picture I like best. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...