This week was all about crochet
& the moon – and Thanksgiving!
November 22nd
ladies in our church made this banner. Isn’t it gorgeous?
November 23rd
I think there’s supposed to be a
deer in there somewhere, but I just really really like this picture. I made it
my cover photo on Facebook because it matches my hair :)
The moon!
November 24th
Campus critters.
November 25th
Square #4 of pattern #23. I’m
pretty much out of this yarn now (& it’s discontinued) – not sure how I’m
going to do the last square of the blanket or attach all the squares to each
other. I do have about 20 smaller squares that I crocheted from this yarn back
when I first taught myself to crochet – I might unravel some of those. This
blanket is meant for Dr. M & me, so I can spend some time in the New Year
figuring out what to do with it.
The moon!
November 26th – Happy Thanksgiving!
We missed being with our NC families,
but it was nice to hang out at home & let Dr. M feed me. He did a fabulous
job with the meal. We had a turkey breast cooked in the crock pot, green beans
& creamed corn canned by my dad & Amy, dressing, an ancient can of
cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy (because I don’t like dressing),
and PECAN PIE. Yum! And during the day while Dr. M was cooking on that, I
worked on a draft dodger, using scrap yarn. We’d been using an old towel &
it was only recently that I thought to myself that surely I could make
something that would be more attractive than that.
The moon!
November 27th
Square #1 of pattern #24 – the LAST
PATTERN!! Heading down the home stretch here…
I couldn’t sleep Friday night
(Too Much Caffeine), so I doodled with my coloring app.
November 28th
In the
wee hours I looked over at Miss Pinky & I swear she asked me what the heck
I was still doing awake, so I took her picture. Ha!
Dr. M had a more proper photo shoot with her.
Square #2
of pattern #24 (the LAST PATTERN!!).
Hope everyone has a great week!