Sunday, November 22, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

Is it just me or did this week fly by? I have no idea what happened! Let’s see…
Sunday, November 15th      
The altar flowers today were in honor of Dr. M’s birthday!

The moon…

Monday, November 16th       
Dr. M’s lawn mowing herd of sheep.

Tuesday, November 17th                      
New hair! I was highly amused at the “during” picture – terrifying! I texted it to Dr. M just to alarm him. Heh.

Dr. M saw this cavorting herd of deer.

Square #2 of pattern #23.

Wednesday, November 18th              
Dr. M found these sweet donkeys – check out the photobombing sheep – ha!

Thursday, November 19th   
The moon!

Friday, November 20th     
My daily walk. These birds were having the best time in the top of that tree.

I finally jumped on the adult coloring bandwagon – the digital version anyway. This is an app on my phone.

Saturday, November 21st       
Square #3 of pattern #23.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Dr. M found these sweet donkeys – check out the photobombing sheep – ha!
    Remnants of the once rural area I live can be found in one family who have bucked the trend to sell their land to developers and kept their small farm. They have several parcels of land not connected to the others but somehow still are able to move their 20 to 30 miniature donkeys around. I’ve lived in my current area since 2000 and never saw how or when they do it. I’m sure it quite the sight.

  2. Happy Birthday to Dr. M. Like Jack Benny he's just thirty-nine, right?

  3. Loved the sheep, the cavorting deer ( Mike got an 8-pointer today), and the "burros." ;-)

  4. St. Patsy has been coloring for years and years and years. Everyone else has finally caught up to HER. And I used to have Coloring Days in my sophomore and junior English classes as Rewards for finishing up a particularly difficult unit or doing well on tests, etc. My highschool classroom used to look more like an elementary classroom with everyone's pages hung up all over the walls.

  5. I love Dr. M's sheep. As I did your top-roosting birds.

    1. They live amongst the solar panels at a small college I drive past on my way to my own small college. Hey, we have solar panels! New business for next faculty meeting: SHEEP!

  6. Is it just me or did this week fly by? It's not you, the week did fly by!

    When I caught the first glimpse of your hair in the "during" phase, I wondered what you were doing with slabs on Spam in your hair. Heh. It turned out really nice!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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