Sunday, November 29, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

This week was all about crochet & the moon – and Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22nd    
Two ladies in our church made this banner. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Monday, November 23rd        
I think there’s supposed to be a deer in there somewhere, but I just really really like this picture. I made it my cover photo on Facebook because it matches my hair :)

The moon!

Tuesday, November 24th                      
Campus critters.

Wednesday, November 25th              
Square #4 of pattern #23. I’m pretty much out of this yarn now (& it’s discontinued) – not sure how I’m going to do the last square of the blanket or attach all the squares to each other. I do have about 20 smaller squares that I crocheted from this yarn back when I first taught myself to crochet – I might unravel some of those. This blanket is meant for Dr. M & me, so I can spend some time in the New Year figuring out what to do with it.

The moon!

Thursday, November 26th – Happy Thanksgiving!
We missed being with our NC families, but it was nice to hang out at home & let Dr. M feed me. He did a fabulous job with the meal. We had a turkey breast cooked in the crock pot, green beans & creamed corn canned by my dad & Amy, dressing, an ancient can of cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy (because I don’t like dressing), and PECAN PIE. Yum! And during the day while Dr. M was cooking on that, I worked on a draft dodger, using scrap yarn. We’d been using an old towel & it was only recently that I thought to myself that surely I could make something that would be more attractive than that.

The moon!

Friday, November 27th     
Square #1 of pattern #24 – the LAST PATTERN!! Heading down the home stretch here…

I couldn’t sleep Friday night (Too Much Caffeine), so I doodled with my coloring app.

Saturday, November 28th       
In the wee hours I looked over at Miss Pinky & I swear she asked me what the heck I was still doing awake, so I took her picture. Ha!

Later, Dr. M had a more proper photo shoot with her.

Square #2 of pattern #24 (the LAST PATTERN!!).

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I'm sorry you couldn't be in NC...thats tradition! Sounds like you faired ok with food though. "dressing" sounds like a regional thing. When I hear dressing, I think salad dressing, such a Italian or Thousand Island.

    I think of you two everytime I see a beautiful moon. :)

  2. I love how you've chronicled Miss Pinky's life. She is fab!!

    You're the second blogger I've run across who cooked her turkey in the crock pot. You had the breast and she had the legs. Maybe it was the same turkey. Ha!

    You were right, your draft dodger is much prettier than a towel. They really do the job, don't they?

  3. I like your version of Starry Night.

  4. I swear I did not steal your Monday moon!

    I remember using draft dodgers when we lived up north. What is on the inside?

  5. I'm chuckling at Lisa (above) and her comment about dressing v. stuffing. At our house, we have Dressing because it is cooked Outside The Bird. My mother has Stuffing because it is cooked Inside The Bird.

    However, it is only we who make that Nice Distinction, for my mother calls all of it Dressing. And I pointedly inform her ALL OF THE TIME that she is WRONG. (But mainly for entertainment purposes.)

    I do wish you'd hurry up and finish those afghans. I'm getting impatient. LOL.

  6. I'm so impressed with your crocheting. and I love the draft stopper.

  7. I couldn’t sleep Friday night (Too Much Caffeine), so I doodled with my coloring app.

    That is awesome! Very van Gogh!

  8. Your coloring looks like a beautiful design for a quilt, the advanced kind like my SIL Kim makes.
    I really really like your artsy photo choice for profile also.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...