Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blanket Tuesday

I finished afghan #3 over the weekend & realized that I'd never shared a photo of the 2nd blanket. So, without further ado:

The temperature monster is still on hold while I wait for more yarn. Stay tuned!


  1. Both are wonderful, especially the second with the dark background.

  2. Oh, my! Don't you love the satisfaction of making something like that. Beautiful!

  3. There are some really interesting patterns in there. It's far more complex than the ones I remember my family members making. I think they tended to do blocks that were all the same. Only my mother would do something like this. She did needlepoint sampler pillows that were just beautiful.

    I'm really fond of blue and brown, so I give a thumbs up to both.

  4. Wow! Those turned out great! Do you sell your afghans, or give them away, or what?

    1. So far I'm giving them as gifts (although I've got a barter situation going with one of them). Someone asked how much I would charge to make one. I think it would have to be $150 - $200 - the yarn alone is around $100.

  5. When I saw the moon so bright and brilliant earlier in the week I honestly thought, "Hmmm... I wonder if Dr. M is photographing it?" Guess I didn't have to wonder.

    Love those afgans. You did a great job!

    Oh, and I just realized that I scrolled through the 365 post that I thought I was leaving a comment on. Ah well, two for one!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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