Saturday, January 7, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week One

Here we go again. After one year off from Project 365 (one-ish picture a day for 365 days) I decided that I need to do it because I don’t journal and who the heck knows what happened when, if you don’t journal? But after so long without having to remember to take a picture every day I had to put a reminder on my phone. Which is why most of these pictures are in the evening after the reminder goes off.
But first, a brief note about why we’re moving. We made the decision after our Thanksgiving visit to our fathers. We felt a strong need to move closer to Dr. M’s father, in particular. He is in his 80s and needs both of his sons to be there to support him. And because I am able to keep my same job and work from a home office we thought this was the right time to go. I’m pretty excited about it, although I feel like the Old North State is mocking us with the 6 – 9 inches of snow they got overnight. What the heck NC – minimal snow was going to be a perk of moving back home! So there, you have the rest of the story. Now, onward to my week…

Sunday, January 1st     
The temperature monster. It's not done. I have two rows to go (ran out of purple), and a gazillion ends to weave in. But I couldn't wait to measure it. With the border (just doing the sides), it's going to be a little over 9 feet by 5 feet. Whew! The second picture is a sample of what the border will look like.

Monday, January 2nd           
Working a jigsaw puzzle on my new iPad. Remember how I got the wrong one last year? Whoa – this is SO MUCH BETTER! We’re still using the old one to play music (listening to the Melody Gardot station on Pandora right now while I’m writing this).

Tuesday, January 3rd                          
Dr. M has been doing a lot of reading since Christmas. It’s so cozy – I listen to an audio book & crochet & sneak & take pictures of him reading.

Wednesday, January 4th                  
Random shot of the sun while I ran errands. That’s my church to the left (the town clock tower is in the middle of the photo).

Thursday, January 5th  
We got a cute little snow today – just three inches.

Friday, January 6th     
Ms. Pinky and Ms. Rita at dusk. Yes, they’ll be heading to NC with us.

Saturday, January 7th       
The Penguin of the Lord! And if you look closely, you can see the golden fleece…


  1. Your geraniums are amazing!
    Never thought of working jigsaw puzzles on an ipad. Much quicker, any easier?
    Love the colorful, vibrant, humongous blanket!
    Maybe you will need it in NC after all with all that snow and cold.
    It will be good to be able to follow the moving process via your blog.
    Praying it is smooth and not too painful.

  2. I love that Ms. Pinky and Ms. Rita will be going with you. That's just the way it should be. Here's a little traveling music for you: the Carolina Chocolate Drops with a song that includes the line, "corn bread and butter beans. and back to North Carolina"!

  3. I always hate the actual move, but love the starting over part. I've had so much fun getting this house the way I want it. That's the prettiest temperature monster I've ever seen. Love those bold colors. Glad to hear that Ms. Pinky and Ms. Rita will not be left behind to fend for themselves. Both your fathers' will be so happy to have you and Dr. M. close by.

  4. Why shouldn't the baby Jesus have a golden fleece?

  5. I jumped back on to 365 too (I know you already knew that though!) and hope I can make it through this time. So far so good but we're only 7 days in.

    Yours should be a real adventure this year with your upcoming move.

  6. Glad Ms. Pinky and Ms. Rita will be coming with you! I'm very happy you're doing P365 again...sometimes I feel I need some inspiration.

    There's a lot to be said about being closer to family. I think this will be a good move for you. And how great is it that you can keep your job and work from home! I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for your move.

  7. Good luck with the move. As much I dislike my current area the thought of packing everything up and moving is quite frankly rather scary.

  8. I'm glad you are doing this again. Miss Pinky and Miss Rita will like NC.

  9. I've written down the temps... I just got to get to the store to get the yarn to get started. I dont want it to get too far away from me.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...