Sunday, July 31, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Thirty

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes for my potential new job. As you may have seen in my replies to comments on the last post, the person I would have been replacing decided to come back. I am very happy with this turn of events! I had gotten more leery of some of the tasks I would have had to do the more I thought about it, and I’m perfectly happy in my current role. I felt pretty good about stepping out of my comfort zone to apply, and I’m feeling pretty good about settling back into my comfort zone. Ha!
Sunday, July 24th          
Sometimes it feels like I spend half my life trying to “fix” things. I’m pretty sure I have arthritis in my thumb (not caused AT ALL by scrolling on my phone so just shut up). (Note: It’s probably exactly caused by scrolling on my phone.) I’m also taking iron supplements, so that maybe I can give blood again. My doctor keeps telling me I’ve done my part – that I’ve given plenty of blood – but I still feel guilty. There really is a crisis right now.

Monday, July 25th
No photo. I had 8 new hires on Monday and I was a vegetable.
Tuesday, July 26th      
Morning glory!

My morning & afternoon snacks. The second one is my new favorite: granola with banana, peanut butter, and dark chocolate chips. It’s so good! And I needed it because I had three more new hires this day.

Wednesday, July 27th            
Dr. M put new flowers on his mother’s grave. I love that he tends to this detail – I know it makes his father happy. (Note: I had another new hire today)

Thursday, July 28th         
Dr. M’s vegetable plate dinner – it was really yummy! (Note, I did NOT have any new hires today)

Friday, July 29th         
The Carolina Hurricanes hockey team was the Hartford Whalers before it moved to Raleigh, and I have always loved their green uniforms. Dr. M found some t-shirts on sale. Woot!

A happy bumble! (Note, I had four new hires today)

Saturday, July 30th          
Dr. M got a new camera & was playing around with it. I think we’re going to really like this one!

If you did the math, I had 16 new hires this week (plus one last Friday, so I’ve been adding it to the total). That’s a lot for us – and a lot of peopling for me. So I was mostly a hermit this weekend and it was lovely. I think I might be ready to face whatever this next week brings. How about you – are you ready for Monday?


  1. It sure looks to me like Dr. M ended up with a camera similar to mine. I have a Canon EOS Rebel T6s. His zoom looks the same as mine -- a 70-300mm -- but I can't quite tell what the other lens is. I have the 100mm macro, plus an 18-135mm walkaround lens. I love mine to death. He's going to have oodles of fun with it!

    As for Monday -- I'm eager for it. I need to get a job finished, and this is the week I'm going to grit my teeth and stay out there, no matter how hot it gets! So there!

    1. I hope you were able to get your work done! Dr. M responded about the camera below.

  2. Very similar! Camera body is Rebel T7. I know the T7i and especially the T8i have a lot more bells and whistles, but I needed something fairly simple to carry around with me as I drive back and forth to my dad's house, etc. I AM going to have fun with this camera! The other lens is 18-55mm with IS. It will be perfect for family photos and such.

  3. That's a lot of hiring. Your place is really staffing up. I'm glad for all the people with new jobs.

    Your snack is similar to my daily lunch, oatmeal with peanut butter and banana. It's so satisfying and filling. I know if I start adding chocolate to it, though, I will overdo it and it'll fast become a dessert.

    1. I only add about 10 chocolate chips, but yes it does turn it into more of a dessert situation :)

  4. Dr. M's photos are lovely - pretty flowers at your house. Busy is better than bored I think and nice that people are getting hired. Also, I may have to try a version of your granola snack.

    1. Yeah I hate being bored. But I prefer being busy with non-people related tasks. ha!

  5. I can't believe it! Not one but two food combinations I would eat. You're slipping. I have arthritis in my thumbs too. I had no idea there's a brace for that.

    1. I know - it's crazy how conventional I've become. Meanwhile in my FB memories I saw where I had put shelled edamame on a turkey & tomato sandwich.

  6. Sorry to see you've got an injury!

  7. I found a youtube video showing the work the ladies did at our library -- decorating the trees with their needlework. If this link doesn't work, you can do a search using 'league city library tree huggers' or some such.

  8. Dana, this is Linda - Shoreacres. Somehow your blog turned me into an anonymous someone. The comment about the yarn-decorated trees is from me.

    1. I wondered which Texas person had left that comment! That was such a cool project! I keep meaning to do something similar to my mailbox :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...