Sunday, July 24, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Twenty-nine

I’m not going to talk about the heat. We’ve been in the 90s, but (at least in my opinion) it hasn’t been as bad as other locations – especially those that aren’t used to such temps. So I’ll save my complaining for other areas of my life. If I can think of anything to complain about.
Sunday, July 17th          
Dr. M roamed around the yard…

Monday, July 18th
Dr. M watched a hummingbird sitting on the shepherd’s crook and then took this picture just as it took off. Very cool!

Tuesday, July 19th      
Morning glories! It amuses us that this is the vine that does best even though it’s in the middle of a rock pile. Is there some sort of lesson there? If so, I shall choose to ignore it.

Wednesday, July 20th            
I had an interview today for a promotion at work. I think it went well, but we'll see - they have a number of other interviews to do before they make a decision. Hilarious note: I had an egg salad sandwich for lunch before the interview, and later in the afternoon I scratched a bit of egg salad off of my face (which I swear you couldn’t see – I gave myself a good look in the mirror before the interview). Anyway, made me laugh that I had actual egg on my face while I was answering all their questions. Oops. Am I turning into some sort of slovenly old lady who will eventually stop combing my hair? Stay tuned!

On my way home I stopped by my dad’s house & saw that they’d started this craziness. It’s a very long, narrow 1000 piece puzzle that my nephew & his significant other gave my dad. It’s like he hates us or something. We’ll see how long this one takes!

Thursday, July 21st        
I had some leftover chicken nuggets that I added to some leftover stir-fry & thought that adding BBQ sauce would be just the ticket. It was, in fact, not the ticket. At all. So, see, my creations aren’t always successful!

Friday, July 22nd          
Here on the other hand, are some delicious things that Dr. M brought home!

Saturday, July 23rd          
No photo. I sat around playing on my iPad, scrolling through Instagram, and crocheting. It was a lovely day!

This week I have about 13 new hires, spread throughout the week. Plus we have a big data entry project to do. And we’re still short a person. I’ve been trying to decide if it would be easier to learn a new job while teaching someone to do my old job, or to just keep my old job & let someone else do the new one. Regardless, if they offer me the position I’m going to take it. Are you the kind of person who reaches for new things, or who likes to stay with what you know how to do? I’m usually the latter, but sometimes I get a wild hair. It’s how I ended up in Africa! 


  1. Thanks for the flower show!! Ohio is a lovely place to live. My sister lives in Columbus, loves it. I'll be back.

    1. Thank you! I'm no longer in Ohio - we loved living there! I live in NC now.

  2. Give Dr. M my compliments on the hummingbird photo. That's really cool. Your purple morning glories are my favorite among the flowers this week; that's a glorious color. I love your outfit, too. What are you holding in that photo? Is it your phone? Could be -- maybe you were taking a selfie? I've never taken a selfie, so I'm ignorant about how that's done.

    1. It was my phone! After the fact I was annoyed that it obscured the excellent necklace I was wearing. My selfie game isn't particularly strong. Ha!

    2. Thank you! Sheer dumb luck catching that image.

  3. Good luck with the promotion. The best time to go for a job is when you already have one that you like.

    We are really in the soup here in NEO. Miserable, miserable weather. At least we've gotten some rain.

    BBQ Chinese Fast Food Fusion...that had YIKES written all over it.

    1. Yeah it was pretty disgusting. Regarding the job - the coworker whose job I applied for came back to work today. Wahoo! I mean, I had to apply & try, but I'm not upset to have her back instead.

  4. I don't know. I stuck with the same thing for over 40 years but the thing itself was a huge reach.

    1. I think every time you start a new project you're wandering off into the unknown.

  5. Good luck on the promotion! That's exciting! I'm envious of your day lilies. Ours have not done a thing.

    1. We've been pretty pleased with our day lilies this year! And see my response to Nance above about the job.

  6. Morning glories are about half weed, you know. They'll grow just about anywhere. Thinking positive thoughts for you and the promotion!

    1. Ha! More than half weed. I had some out front that were going to seed a few years ago, so I pulled them down off the crook they had enveloped and dragged them out back to be disposed of. Apparently I scattered enough seed on this rock pile as I passed to get them started. This is at least the third year we've had them there.

    2. See my response to Nance above about the job.

  7. Good l uck on that promotion!!!!!

    1. See my response to Nance above about the job.

  8. Hi, Philip H popping in to say Hello, and glad to see you're keeping up the good work. Hope you and DocM are good and happy. Best wishes, Philip

    1. Philip! It's good to see you here! I hope you are well!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks - my coworker came back to work so I won't be changing jobs. I'm mostly just relieved :)


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...