Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Couple of Words Wednesday

It's my old bugaboo, Fall come to tap Summer on the shoulder 
saying it's time to bow out head south don't let the door kick you...

And I am sad. Sad because Summer drags the sun with her and it's just rude. 

On the other hand, is there anything lovelier than a spent flower? It draws me in and says that dark things can be beautiful too, as if I don't know that that black is beautiful, and that night contains magic and ok ok maybe fall isn't as tragic as I think it is.

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall. Keep your fat mouth shut Winter!


  1. I've come to love autumn -- although it's quite a different season down here than what I was accustomed to in the midwest. Here, September and October can be beautiful months: an end to heat, fall flowers, and the clear, blue skies that follow a norther. New birds, too, as the migrants arrive. I can't wait!

    1. If I lived where you do I would love autumn too!

  2. Autumn is the season that defines me. Perhaps that's natural for a Scorpio. As you well know, it is my hardest season, as I, like a deciduous tree, am exposed, laid bare for all to see. It is a truly beautiful season, but I know the light is fading, the days grow long. Ironically, I love winter far more than you! It is a season of new hope for me. I know that if I make it through the Solstice, a new year has dawned.

    1. Yes - we're entering your crucible, but you will make it to the other side!

  3. I just wanna pull those little seedlings out of the flowers and plant them up for next year!

    1. Of course you do! We just let them fall where they are & they mostly come up again.

  4. Fall - really? Just because it's after Labor Day doesn't mean it's Fall here. We're still strong in summer - ugh!

    1. Yeah - it's still hot here, but the vegetation is tired!

  5. It will be awhile yet before we have spent flower heads as the orange cosmos isn't even blooming yet. I don't care for the shortening days though, like you.

    1. I don't even know why I care about the light since I spend most of my life indoors. But I definitely have strong opinions about it!

  6. Our forecast said today was going to be much cooler than yesterday. It's 80 degrees right now at 1:36 p.m.

    1. That's a pretty decent temp - we've just been a few degrees above that lately. Very nice.


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