Sunday, September 18, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

Whoa Nelly – there are a lot of photos this week! Let’s dive right in, shall we?
Sunday, September 11th            
It was my best cousin-friend’s birthday! I’m not at all sure what was going on with my hair here, but Kim Jane is cute with her tiara, so we’re just going to go with it.

I went to my dad’s for lunch and ate homemade chili (delicious!) and helped with the new puzzle.

Monday, September 12th  
Around the yard… Dr. M got the memo about taking some outside photos this week.

I saw a rainbow as I was leaving work.

Went to eat with the fam – I guess you can tell where. As you can see, I’m just Just Plain Dumb.

Tuesday, September 13th       
Dr. M has had a LOT of feelings this week. His Aunt Judy has been living in the house where he spent the first 10 years of his life. He has a lot of memories from there – both good and bad. Now she’s heading for assisted living and the house will be sold. He spent part of the day putting a new battery in her car – they’ll keep it for her just in case she’s able to drive it again.

His dad’s muscadine and scuppernong vines are FULL of grapes this year. So are my dad’s. Anyone need any grapes?

Wednesday, September 14th                
I went by my dad’s at lunch to work the puzzle (and visit of course) and they told me about the surprise on their chimney. We think it’s a sunflower – ha!

Thursday, September 15th          
I had a meeting at church and had this situation. I had been doing really well, but, see, the spaces in our lot are kind of weird. Yeah, that’s what happened.

Friday, September 16th          
Day off from work breakfast (which, I confess, I ate for three days in a row): Spinach pizza, black beans, fried egg, sour cream and taco sauce. It was GOOD.

Spent the morning cleaning out my car. It was SO DISGUSTING that even I started noticing (mainly from leaves and gum wrappers which I THOUGHT I was throwing in the trash. And dust). Ugh. But it’s all shiny inside now. And bonus – I found the piece of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s robe that we were missing in this puzzle. The big question is: how did it get under the driver’s seat?

Saturday, September 17th       
It was my dad’s birthday! In his usual dad way he took ME out to eat to celebrate. We went to Panera because he had seen a commercial with a chicken sandwich that he wanted to try. Although Sue and I loved our lunches, he decided the chicken sandwich was middlin. After lunch Sue went to a shower and Dad & I went back to his house to eat pudding cake and work the puzzle.

Later that day Dr. M took some photos of our asters and VERY BUSY sedum – it was getting all the love!

I left to have dinner with friends (we watched Kim Jane’s daughter’s wedding video & looked at pictures – so fun), but Dr. M had a visitor so he wasn’t alone.

I took a photo of a photo on Kim’s camera roll – this is from the day before the wedding when I was helping with set-up. Ha!

Tomorrow we’re doing more birthday celebrating with my dad, and it looks to be a busy week at work. I’m already pre-tired – especially because I woke up at 7:30 this morning after going to bed after midnight. Rude. How are you feeling heading into the week? I know some of you are retired, but you are still allowed to have Monday thoughts if you want to.


  1. This time, I'd have eaten pretty much everything you photographed. The pudding cake looks like it has blueberries in it and I'm not a big pudding fan, so that's the wildcard for me.

    1. It actually didn't have any pudding in it. It had chunks of strawberry cake, actual strawberries & blueberries & about a gallon of cool whip. It was delicious!

  2. Awww, Roy! I'm impressed at how many pollinators your sedum is attracting. And the sunflower on the chimney is pretty amazing! Birds and their bird seed, I guess!

    By the way, I've noticed the problem with the blog list -- it clearly has something to do with the feeds. I've filed a question on the Blogger help forum but no one's responded yet. Surely others are having this problem besides you and me!

    1. I figured you would be a better researcher of the problem than I am (my "research" consisted of googling "is the blogger feed broken?" It wasn't very helpful - ha!)

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad!!!! Such a dad thing to take the kids out for dinner! LOL
    I still always feel like a giddy kid when I see a rainbow

    1. As soon as I went outside & saw that it was raining, but there was sun in part of the sky I started looking because I knew a rainbow had to be there. And it was! I was pretty stoked.

  4. I do know which restaurant you went to -- that game's the giveaway. There used to be a larger version called Hi-Q. We had one, and I loved playing it in the back seat of the car. I just looked and discovered there are vintage sets on ebay and etsy. I don't need one, for sure -- but on the other hand, the game doesn't need electricity or batteries, which is a plus.

    1. I used to know how to win that game, but it's lost in the mists of time. I find it more fun to just randomly try & see what happens anyway. Ha!

  5. Wow! So many great pictures! Two thoughts - Friday's breakfast was just weird - sorry but true. And, the puzzle piece ....... gremlins. That's my answer for many odd "how did that" happenings.

    1. Oh but it was SO TASTY! And gremlins are as good an answer as anything. Although I think that mostly I'M the gremlin.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...