Saturday, December 17, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Fifty

Christmas is heading toward us like a steam roller. It will be in the rearview mirror before we know it, and I will be ready to settle into the quiet part of the year.
Sunday, December 11th             
Spent some quality time wrapping presents.

Monday, December 12th     
I went to brush my hair and thought “why mess with perfection?” Reader, I messed with perfection.

Tuesday, December 13th           
I wore these sheep jammies all week*, and I put them in the wash just in time for us to go into the deep freeze next week. There’s even been talk of the “s” word. I’ll believe that when I see it. *I did not wear them to work.

Wednesday, December 14th                     
I came home from work to pre-anniversary flowers!

Thursday, December 15th             
Anniversary cake. It was so good! We’ve been married 32 years now!

Friday, December 16th            
Dr. M says: Defiant bloomers, sheep butts, and a drowsy Pyr kind of afternoon.

Meanwhile, I had a fit check for a new project. You say I said something about not starting anything new? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Saturday, December 17th     
My great-nephew’s Christmas presents arrived!

Dr. M snapped a photo of me working on this very post. For heaven’s sake.

We had our first Christmas gathering today, with Dr. M’s aunt and cousin. Did we take a photo? No we did not. But we did have a nice time. And really I’m looking forward to spending time with all of our people, and then I’m looking forward to heading to our respective corners for a while. How about you – do you get energized by people-gatherings, or do you need to recharge?  


  1. Happy anniversary! Now, I need to stop fixating on that carrot cake. It's one of my favorites, for sure. I laughed at your question about people gatherings. When I still had family, I loved it when we all got together. Now? Nearly everyone's gone, and there's no gathering. Of course there's no standard work gathering, either, since my office is a dock and my dockmates are mostly pelicans and gulls! No matter. There's a little socializing that gets done, and I enjoy it all.

    I have a friend who has a Great Pyrenees. He's accepted me, which I take as a great honor. That dog's a guard, I'll say that. She's only lost a couple of goats since she got him. He does spend a lot of time herding her collection of cats.

    1. That is a great honor to be accepted by your friend's dog! They're very protective. It seems like herding cats would be a full time job. Ha!

  2. We just finished our Xmas shopping yesterday! Thank goodness. I'm not feeling very festive at all this year. Sigh.

    We got some snow last night, but not enough to even cover the lawns. The Siberian Express arrived and will keep us bitterly cold all week. Hooray. Again, I ask myself, "Why do I live here?"

    Happy Anniversary! That cake is perfect; carrot cake is, of course, nutritional, and can be eaten as breakfast, lunch, or dinner since it contains vegetables, nuts, and fruits (if it has the dreaded raisins).

    1. I agree about carrot cake - it's practically a health food!

  3. No get togethers here. We don't really socialize and I have no idea if the grandkids are coming in or not. Small family scattered. Already had our little social at SHARE. The most stressful part was always having to get presents for everyone and stopped doing that too. Speaking of presents, it looks like you're giving everyone the same thing.

    1. I bought the same thing for most of the women on my list and Mike bought the same thing for the men. We weren't feeling like being very individualized this year. Ha!

  4. You are certainly looking seasonally appropriate in your blog-composing attire! Is Pyr the name of the dog?

    1. No - Pyr is short for the breed Great Pyrenees. Although that might be his name too!

  5. Those sheep jammies! I need those myself!!!!
    I love those little cakes - I need to get a carrot cake for Ricky's birthday on Saturday!
    & Happy Anniversary!!!

  6. We avoid crowds like the plague (or Covid) on the holidays and find our sanity much the better for it. Like the jammies. The hair? Meh. :^D

    1. Ha! I thought the hair was the best thing about this post!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...