Sunday, December 25, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Fifty-one

Well, that’s a wrap! Christmas was today (you’ll see any photos we took next week), and now we can take a deep breath & head into the New Year. One note about our annual Christmas poem (which you will find here): I really think it ends on the word “mark,” but I wanted it to seem a little more hopeful so I added the last bits. But really, right now I’m at “missing the mark,” not at holding a baby’s hand.
Sunday, December 18th             
We went Christmas caroling after church today and had a lovely time. At the end I was getting ready to walk to my car & my cousin’s daughter said I looked like Christmas & took my picture.

Monday, December 19th     
I took this close-up photo of my anniversary flowers to use as my Facebook cover photo. Aren’t they gorgeous? (And they’re still gorgeous almost a week later.)

Tuesday, December 20th           
The Roy!

Wednesday, December 21st                      
We had our holiday potluck at work & I took Greek salad. I had so many toppings that I couldn’t fit the lettuce in the same container. Ha! It was very popular – I was kind of amazed. Also, if you look at the top photo of the gifts on the table (we drew names) you can see the smallest present in blue penguin paper looking kind of pitiful. It’s the one I brought – I drew my boss’s name. Ha! The gift wasn’t pitiful at all, but I can’t show you yet because we bought the same thing for all the menfolk in our lives & they haven’t all been given out.

Thursday, December 22nd              
I had the day off from work & was planning on vegetating at home, but ended up going out for a bit. I was a little nervous about wearing leggings (I don’t really have the legs for them), but decided I was cute anyway. 

Friday, December 23rd             
We went to Dr. M’s dad’s house to get him some lunch and found that someone had brought him a meal! It was a nice surprise. We visited a while & then went to get our own lunch.

Saturday, December 24th     
As you can tell, we had a great time together with my family for Christmas Eve. The star of the show was G.P. (Jeepy for short). He turns 2 on January 1st & he is a dynamo! You can sort of see my new hat that I finished just in time to wear. I’ll show better photos of it next week – it’s cute.

I have the day off again tomorrow & am planning to go to my dad’s house to work the evil puzzle I gave him for Christmas. I also have to make a dessert for our final Christmas gathering, which will be on Tuesday night. I got a church cookbook for Christmas (thanks Sue!) and I found a recipe in there I’m going to try. I will definitely let you know how it goes! I hope you had a nice holiday (whether you celebrate or not). Did you do anything fun?  


  1. What?! Christmas done? Not for me. For years, I've enthusiastically embraced the Twelve Days of Christmas, that season that culminates at Epiphany. As a matter of fact, I used to attend an annual Seventh Day of Christmas party: aka "new year's eve". Quirky, I know -- but we had great fun. I don't take the decorations down until Epiphany. I like the lights too much to turn them off too soon!

    We got down to 20F, too. It's a little warmer now, and is only going to get down to maybe 40 tonight. The sooner we get into the 50s, the happier I'll be. I've been in the south too long; my Iowa blood thinned out years ago. I can't even imagine living in those conditions now. It looks like you had a fine celebration -- it's always better with kids around!

    1. Linda - I don't even know why I wrote that. We have another gathering tomorrow, and we never take the tree down until after Epiphany (and there was that memorable year when I left it up until the time changed - ha!).

  2. It all sounds very merry indeed. I hope you share some of your attempts at the church cookbook recipes. They can be weekly posts!

    1. Well, I just finished the first one & while the individual ingredients were good I don't even know how you're supposed to eat the stuff. We shall see. Stay tuned!

  3. Love your holiday smiles!!!... I'm so jealous of your puzzle. I got one for Christmas & started working it - & then had people come over & we needed the table - so had to box it all up - BOOO!!!!

    1. We got Daddy & Sue a puzzle holder & it has been great! Although I don't think they ever move it, they COULD.

  4. Looks like a fantastic week was had. Glad you had a great xmas. Yes, gorgeous flowers, 100% cute leggings and what a beautiful birthday boy. Enjoy. xx


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...