Sunday, January 1, 2023

2022 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two

Happy New Year! I’ve spent the day eating a cupcake at a two year old’s birthday party and now I’m watching hockey, which makes it a pretty perfect way to start the new year.  
Sunday, December 25th             
Christmas morning we opened gifts from my cousin and then I headed to church. After church we went to Dr. M’s dad’s house for lunch. Here is what Dr. M said: We once again gathered around the ancestral table for Christmas lunch, there in the little house teenage Pop helped his WWII veteran cousin build. It is his 90th Christmas. He ate well: meatloaf, mash potatoes, green beans and pintos (aka shellie beans), mac ‘n cheese, brioche rolls, and pie! In the early 70s, the house would have been filled with people, and I would have been relegated to the kids’ table. Today, there were just three of us and a lot of ghosts…a lot of ghosts.

Christmas Moon!

Monday, December 26th     
Stopped by my dad’s house to work a section of the puzzle. Mischief managed!

Then I went to the store to get the ingredients for my church cookbook dessert. It was pretty good ya’ll!

Tuesday, December 27th           
Our annual college friend gathering! I think this was number 37? Which is just crazy.

One of my gifts was this necklace that perfectly matches a pair of earrings I’ve had for many years.

Wednesday, December 28th                     
Stopped by my dad’s house and took a sky photo before heading home.

We’ll be leaving our tree up for probably another few weeks. We really enjoy the light in the evenings. And note that the wise men are heading toward Bethlehem!

Thursday, December 29th               
No photo.
Friday, December 30th            
My hot chocolate at work looked so pretty that I had to take a photo.


Saturday, December 31st      
Our evening plans were canceled so we watched college football (two amazing crazy games!) and I made this hat. I was so excited to get to the end of the pattern & then saw that the last line gave instructions for work that will probably take another 2 hours. So that’s what I’ll be working on this evening.

I have some nebulous ideas of things I’d like to work on this year (Drink more water! Move your ass!), but I’m not going to make any official resolutions. Those never work anyway – apparently I don’t like being told what to do, even by myself. How about you? Any big or small plans?


  1. Are you sure that's the moon in your Wednesday sky shot? It has an odd, almost triangular shape. Perhaps it was Santa making an intergalactic run in an oddly-shaped sleigh! I smiled at the mention of the kids' table. We had those, too, and it was quite a rite of passage to be invited up to the big peoples' table!

    I've still got my tree up, too. I love the lights. I already took off the ornaments and put away some other Christmas decorations, but I've always left the tree up until Epiphany. Now I've learned that some people keep them up until Candlemas -- February 2. I could go with that!

    1. I HAD NOT NOTICED THE SHAPE OF THE MOON! Now I'm wondering if this was the first sighting of an alien invasion. Ha!

  2. I took our tree and all Christmas decor down by the 27th. It was feeling cluttery and uncomfortable for me.

    How lovely to continue your traditional Friends' Gathering for so many years. When you hit #50, I think it should be catered and with champagne!

  3. Your mention of Dr. M's "ghosts" is sad -- time steals from all of us. It's great that you keep up with your college friends. Love the new necklace, and that hot chocolate has left me craving one!

  4. That's a great picture of the ornaments on your tree. Happy New Year!

  5. Nice pics! I was going to do something energetic every day in January (quite a loose guideline). I think I'm managing every other day... not bad. Happy New Year!

  6. The frosting work on that cake is exceptional! You could work in a bakery. At least as an icer. And are you sure there was any hot chocolate under all of those marshmallows? Ha. (I wonder why my comments are all about the food and drink?)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...