Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 on 10

Here are ten non-linear pictures from my day. I'm just not organized enough to remember to take a picture every hour for ten hours!

Wet-haired Bug singing in the car on the way to work...

Lunch! Tuna sandwich and little tomatoes. Yum!

I went to see a friend at that same hospital with the fun street names. This time I drove around & got a picture!

This is in the hospital parking garage. I wondered why such an excellent parking space was available. Um, because it's actually the extra space around a handicapped space. I'm amazed my car fit in there!

On my way home from work I finally figured out what the random letters on my radio display denoted. Turns out our garage faces due north. Ha! Yes, I'm a little slow - but I've never had a car this smart before. (And now I'm laughing because apparently my car is a fan of 'N Sync - ha!)

I did a couple of Dr. M's bird chores - he teaches late on Tuesdays.

Evening snack. Yes, it's candy corn - do not judge me!

I worked on yesterday's post.

I always try to set out my clothes & jewelry the night before. A friend in Zambia gave me the necklace - I wear it for sentimental reasons :)

I finished my evening by making the worst iced tea ever. Blech! I poured that stuff out after drinking one glass!

I'm so excited! I'm almost to my 1000th post! I wonder if I'll do anything interesting for the event. Hmmm.


  1. You have the world's best profile! More profile shots!

    Is corn candy, er, candy that looks like corn, or do you cook it so that it turns into multi-hued popcorn? Your life is so exotic!

    1. Why thank you ma'am.

      The candy corn is Pure Sugar - no actual corn involved. Well, I guess there is probably corn syrup involved.

  2. I wish I liked candy corn. It's little and cute and cheap. And the same stuff comes in cute little pumpkins, too. Alas, I hate the stuff. Do you like the Halloween Peeps? They're cheapo and good. I think the bats are chocolate.

    1. I love peeps, but they are for Easter, not Halloween. Isn't there some sort of holiday tribunal that keeps candy in its place?

  3. hey. I think we have the same counter top in our kitchen. and I could never have a car that is smarter than me. I don't even like automatics. when we bought our truck about 4 years ago I saw on the ticket that automatic transmission was an extra thousand dollars. does this come in standard I asked. yes but there were only like 8 in a several hundred mile radius. it will take a week to get here. that's OK, I'll wait.

    1. I learned to drive in a car with manual transmission - & I would be fine with getting one again, but I actually like having bells & whistles in my car (until they stop working & then I curse technology).

      Do you have trouble keeping those counters clean? If we spill wine or cherry juice on ours we just live with the pink stain until it finally goes away. I will admit that I don't SCRUB them - just squirt them with some kitchen cleaner.

  4. I think it would be fun to live on Frolic Way. I hope you're having a terrific week.

    1. It seemed kind of quiet & normal - I was a bit disappointed that there weren't people skipping around!

  5. Candy corn is my vice, and the N-Sync connection is genius. And, also, I love candy corn, but only the yellow, orange, and white ones. As a kid (and sometimes even now), I stick two of them under my top lip creating little white, fangs. I come... to drink... your blood!

    1. Those are my favorites too! And the pumpkins. I eat the chocolate ones like I'm taking a bite of vegetables before I get dessert. I can eat the yellow, orange & white ones after I've finished the chocolate ones. That's messed up isn't it?

  6. I want to try candy corn. I want to be Dracula.

    1. I sense another package winging its way across the ocean... But you'd have to share with the Ts. Am I allowed to send you candy? Hmmm...

  7. Yes - I have a number of shades of grey these days. And I'm actually intrigued by them - ha!

    You are funny - if Dr. M is driving seems like we ONLY go on back streets. Maybe I'll listen to the radio instead of "syncing" with my device :)

  8. With the sweet tooth I have, I'm surprised I don't like candy corn.

    How do you make bad iced tea???

    And I think you should definitely do something fun and outrageous for your 1000th post!

    1. I used some ANCIENT loose leaf tea. It smelled like twigs, but I thought, "How bad could it be?" Ha!

  9. Love all your pictures! And, harkening back to the post before, FUN! I love watching birds in a bird bath. They could totally teach human beings older than four how to play, especially in water. I wish I had the discipline to make decisions about clothes the day before. It just never happens. Sigh.

    1. I really have to do it the night before because I am NOT a morning person. I have just enough time to get ready & head out the door - if I have to use my morning brain to decide about clothes I might STILL be standing there :)

  10. I love that you photographed your computer while blogging in order to post it on your blog. That's kind of a mind-bender!

  11. I used to tell SWMBO that the directional signal which comes on our rear view mirror was the direction the wind was blowing. Amazing how often it changed. ;/

    I love candy corn, too, but if I have it in the house I can't resist it and pretty soon my stomach is feeling upset.

    1. So true Bruce! Coincidentally, all the candy corn is gone now & my stomach isn't all that happy...

  12. the signs are great - now you can be said to know the way to happiness


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