Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Caption Wednesday

Let me just say right off the bat that I totally stole the pictures AND the captions from Dr. M's Facebook page. I did tell him that I was going to use them ahead of time...

Pool Party!

Oh, one's around...say, is that a hairy beach ape sneaking around the corner?

Come on in, girl! The water's fine!
The occasional bath wouldn't kill you...just sayin'
A little privacy, please?
Junior! I said NO cannonballs!
I feel...refreshed!
Say, I kinda like bathing...


  1. LOL....loved the photos...and the wonderful captions. Hope your day is as happy as you just made mine.

  2. Replies
    1. It's been like this every day for the last few weeks - hilarious!

  3. These were awesome! I think on that last one you could also put "really? do you mind?" ha!

  4. Wow - great pictures and perfect captions. The personalities of these birds just shine in Dr. M's photos!

    1. They are a lot of fun to watch - & to imagine what they're saying. Last month I named one of the young sparrows "Dudders" (after Dudley from Harry Potter) - he seemed just like that character!

  5. We've thought about it - but it seems too much like work :) We should at the very least do calendars for our dads though!

    1. That's given me an idea - maybe a "sparrows for every season" calendar - we certainly have enough pictures to choose from!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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