Sunday, September 15, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

Dr. M took a lot of fabulous pictures this week. I’m only going to include a couple of them here – go to his blog here and here to see the rest!

Sunday, September 8th
Now that it’s cooler again in the evenings we’ve enjoyed sitting outside on our swing. On Sunday I got the urge to take another picture of pinky in all of her glory.


The moon and Venus – this comes close to being my favorite picture of the week!

Monday, September 9th  
This is one of the days when Dr. M took so many great pictures.

Tuesday, September 10th         
I did my 10 on 10 post today.

Wednesday, September 11th   
The Tax Time Pig is winking at us! Hellloooo Kitty!

You’ll have to go to Dr. M’s post to see what this is!

Thursday, September 12th
Buffy the buffalo and his goats.

Our daisies just keep going and going…

Someone gave Dr. M this cookie today – isn’t it great?

Friday, September 13th
Dr. M saw a pheasant couple today. Here is one of them.

Love the morning glories in the corn!

Saturday, September 14th      
Dr. M saw two red shouldered hawks flying over our house today! He has some really good pictures of them here.

This hummingbird was preening on one of the lines over the house. So cute!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Boy, does that toad disapprove of you!

    1. Yes it does - & I fully expect a Toad Revolt at some point!

  2. Those pictures of the corn look like paintings.

    1. Thank you, Ellen! That is a high compliment coming from someone of your artistic talent. I thought so, too, as I gazed on the corn stalks. Glad I captured some of the beauty I was seeing...

  3. Loved the pictures. Fall is definitely on the way.

    1. It is, indeed! Definitely Fall, and a true harvest moon this week!

  4. I do think we need to hear more about TTP and his assistant Trevor The Wonder Duck (or whatever we called him), but i'm also liking the shot of the toad and wish that apple had an app that allowed you to pick cookies from your computer screen - mmmmm

    1. LOL! I love this comment...I am told the cookie was VERY good ;-)

  5. I'd recognize the Tax Pig anywhere, even inside a Hello Kitty costume!

  6. I was going to say that the moon and Venus picture was my favorite for the week, but then I saw the cookie.

    NOTHING beats a cookie.

    1. Hee! You got that right! It has been a cookie kind of week around here :-)

  7. Have you ever met the people who own the Tax Time Pig? Could be quite an interview (said the old newsman).

  8. Once again, cool hummingbird pics -- and I love the cookie!

  9. Now that it’s cooler again in the evenings we’ve enjoyed sitting outside on our swing.

    Yeah, my wife and I have our own special spot in the back yard that because of the trees and shrubs is very secluded and restful. We have been taking our patio chairs to that spot for a couple of years now but like all Gardens there is a problem. Seems a neighbor spotted a snaked going into and out of the bushes several times that make up one of the boundries of our spot.

    Now my wife is too nervous to go out until the weather gets colder and our limbless resident leaves.

  10. I've never seen a hummingbird preen! This is amazing!

    Do you know who dresses the tax time pig? Or is the mystery part of the fun? I love his/her creativity, whoever it is!

  11. She was definitely preening! I saw her fly up there...some people still think hummingbirds never perch, but they do all the time. It was a long shot, so I couldn't really tell what she was doing until I got the images on the computer. An amazing sight, yes! Acting just like a big bird :-) We don't know the pig people, but somebody in that household is nuts, in a wonderful way!

  12. For a little while longer I get to watch three hummingbirds out my 'lofty' window, but I don't have the camera equipment to get such perfect shots. Season's almost over, sigh.
    Hope I can grow my one geranium to the size of your Pinky over the years. Will try.
    Your collection of TTP pics is growing. That will make for a very fun book. Don't forget!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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