Monday, September 23, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Thirty-Eight

Well I’m just a little bit late with this. I spent most of last week at my dad’s house in NC (just drove back yesterday), and I still haven’t gotten back into blogland. I did one post while I was gone – about visiting my aunt Emily (one of my 50x50 tasks), but otherwise I didn’t write or read anything. It was pretty fabulous (except for the part where I have no idea what’s going on in anyone’s life – hopefully I’ll catch up this week). I took care of two other 50x50 tasks while I was down there – but I forgot to get pictures of my visit to my cousin Scottie & her husband John on Friday.

Sunday, September 15th
Scenes from the yard.

I finished this prayer shawl weeks ago, but finally took it to church & had it blessed today.

Monday, September 16th  
Scenes from our Ohio. Dr. M also took some great pictures of deer – you can find them here.

Tuesday, September 17th         
I drove down to NC by myself today. I was a little bit nervous, but with a very suspenseful audio book & my travelling companions I did just fine.

I walked around a bit after I arrived – these are pictures from Daddy’s garden.

Wednesday, September 18th   
Today is when I visited my aunt Emily. You can see those pictures here. The sunflower field that Dr. M drives by is getting its second wind this year.

Wildflowers by the road.

No longer content to make tomato trees, Dr. M has fashioned Felix the Cat out of our crop!

The moon!

Thursday, September 19th
Today I visited Dr. M’s dad & his Aunt Judy.

Amy bought this for my dad’s birthday – I used it to work on a crochet project. The State of the Bug – Enlightened!

Dr. M found the Harvest Moon…

Friday, September 20th
I tried to make breakfast for myself this morning. I cooked the bacon per the instructions, but it didn’t turn out so well. And then the grits boiled over. I did manage to fry the egg correctly. I really should have stuck to my usual policy when visiting my dad – eat barbecue for breakfast!

We went for a walk in the mall later in the morning. Would you like for these folks to work on your eye browns?

My lunch – salad from Atlanta Bread Company. Yum!

Saturday, September 21st      
For my third 50x50 activity this week, I spent the day with three of my oldest friends  friends I’ve known for a long time. We drove up to Blowing Rock where it was foggy & rainy, but that did not deter us. We had lunch, shopped, ate a snack, shopped, ate dinner & then headed home. It was a great time!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Some great photos. I especially like the wildflowers.

    1. Thanks! I like the wildflowers too. It took considerable restraint for me to not post all the pictures he took that day :)

  2. Looks like you had a fun trip. And your dad's garden....WOW! Blessed no doubt by Dr. M's harvest moon. Glad you're back safely.


    1. My dad loves to garden - he's a hard worker. And my mom was a hard worker. I'm not sure how the hard work gene escaped me...

  3. I admire your gumption to drive all the way to NC by yourself! I'd be nervous, too. I'd be even more nervous listening to a suspenseful audiobook...what if a scary part caused me to not pay attention? (I guess I'm just not a multi-tasker)

    LOL at Felix the tomato cat!

    1. In the end it was such a breeze that I won't worry about doing it again. And yes I do get lost in my book sometimes & wonder how in the world I got to where I am - but mostly it makes me a less manic driver. A good trade-off :)

  4. There is definitely as hint of Fall in your shots. Guess it's official---Summer is over.

  5. Looks like a great time, Bug! Fall is always bittersweet...things going to seed...leggy vines...reminders of summer harvest, but you Dr. Has made it funny (Felix), and crossing things off that list must have been a pleasure!

    Love the prayer shawl and that you had it blessed.

    1. Thanks! I felt a little like that grape girl in the chocolate factory - but I think the recipient will like it.

  6. 1. I want to wrap myself up in that beautiful shawl.
    2. Felix the cat could also pass for Grover (Sesame Street)
    3. I would not trust Today Nails with my browns... or my up lip for that matter.

    Great pics as always.

    1. Thanks! I don't know why I felt a little bit mean posting that sign - but goodness it's been there forever. I'm sure someone has pointed out the brown thing to them by now, so it's open season, right?

  7. Loved the shots. The hawk/eagle and the sunflowers were amazing. I am always so refreshed and want to shoot after visiting your site. The purple prayer shawl was glorious. Have a great week my friend.

    1. I'm glad you like the pictures - and you SHOULD go shoot! I miss your picture posts...

  8. I thought perhaps you were on holiday in England, as there was a lady on the train the other day who could easily have been your sister - i was so tempted to go over and say "are you the Bug's sister"

    The flower photos are great and i particularly like the mostly green field with the flower heads just opening. And the fruit face - what can i say other than :-)

    1. I seem to have that kind of face. In college I had a guy take me home with him one weekend just to freak people out about how much I looked like his step-sister. That was...odd :)

  9. Thank goodness that heavier "browns" are in fashion now. Yikes. Congrats on your solo road trip. You'll be driving all over the place now like a pro. I took my first solo road trip last year to Virginia. Like you, I worried and was a bit overwhelmed at the thought, but I felt really accomplished when in the midst and at the end. Now, I'll go anywhere!

    1. I feel the same way! Who needs Mike? Ha. I do like to travel WITH my husband, but it's nice to know that I don't have to :)

  10. Man, that's a lot of tomatoes! And is that a blackberry in your salad? Looks great!

    The sunflower in the first photo looks kind of alien. I think sunflowers are a little on the creepy side when viewed up close.

    1. That salad was the best thing EVER! It had blackberries & strawberries & pistachios & some kind of cheese I can't pronounce - yum!

      I agree about the sunflowers - they're all bowing & humble & then you get up close & peer up at them & wham - scary!

  11. Love the pics. They feel like autumn. My husband has a head light like that. The grands gave it to him for Christmas. It comes in handy when the power goes out. Glad you made it safe and sound to NC.

    1. Thanks! I think I need one of those head lights for my own self - if only for the joy of looking up at Dr. M & blinding him :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...