Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Afternoon at Aunt Mimi's

I knocked number 21 on my 50x50 list today - my dad & I visited my Aunt Emily's place! Even though she only lives about 10 minutes away from my dad, it felt like the back of beyond. I really enjoyed seeing all the flora (and fauna) - and I was very happy to NOT see any snakes. Thanks for the tour Mimi!

[Edited to add that I'm visiting my dad in NC this week - I'm pretty sure we can't grow banana trees like that in Ohio!]


  1. Is that a banana tree? I didn't know they grew so well in Ohio.

    1. She's down in North Carolina, Stephen...the Hickory area.

    2. Oops - I guess I could say where I am! And yes that's a banana tree :)

  2. Looks like a place you might find some grapevines to swing on.

    1. Well, she does have grapevines - but the ones in the woods were honeysuckle :) I'm surprised she didn't have any kudzu!

  3. I'm glad you made the trip successfully. Did you call Dr. M when you arrived?

    I'm impressed with that goat's ambition. Does he scream?

    1. I did call him - I was proud of myself for remembering :)

      I didn't hear the goat making any racket at all - bizarre!

  4. I'm amazed at how well the banana tree grows even in North Carolina! Does it bear fruit?

    One of my former co-workers has a banana tree, and the bananas from it taste so much more's like eating five bananas in one.

    1. I think hers gets some small bananas on it - I'll have to ask her if she's ever eaten any.

  5. Never fear...she called the middle of my afternoon class on Tuesday, lol! I told the students it was my wife. I was tempted to answer and let them talk to her, but I didn't. I'm so happy she could make this trip and that the new car is working out as we'd hoped! P.S. I LOVE of my favorite people on this planet. Thanks, y' really don't know how much you mean to us.

  6. Nice banana tree!

    My granddad had one in his backyard and tried for years to keep it alive through the winter months. I often wonder with the warmer winters we are having now would it survive to spring.

    1. Isn't it? Emily says that she can't kill it :)

  7. Wow. What a lovely property. (Except for that goat. I have a bad Goat History.) The banana tree is impressive. I wish I could have one in my backyard to replace my Alaskan Cedar, which is dying a slow and agonizing death.

    1. That thing was HUGE! It was fun watching the goat rip into those giant leaves.

  8. Replies
    1. THEY were trying to figure what type of tree Emily was leaning on. I was just looking up to be looking up :)

  9. Ha! That goat is all like, "Give it, give it!"

  10. LOL -- I was going to say the same thing Stephen said. But even for North Carolina that's an impressive banana tree. I love that the goats eat the leaves!

  11. Your pictures always make me smile. Such great photos!!

  12. It's always a pleasure to see your photos and feel like I've been along for the ride, sort of. I don't get out much, but even if I did I would want to travel with YOU!


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