Monday, September 9, 2013

From my Facebook wall this past week

Sunday: If you’re a friend of the Episcopal Church then you know all about reading in unison. We’re old hands at it – and every church has its particular rhythm as it recites the Apostle’s Creed and other parts of the liturgy. One thing that has particularly struck me for the last few Sundays is that we have the Our Father down pat. We all can pray it without reading, and we all (at Christ Episcopal, anyway) have the same intonations and inflections. The Our Father starts in my mouth and whirls around the sanctuary and joins with all the other swirling voices to become one large voice and I can feel it resonating in my chest. And in that moment it feels like this body of Christ can do anything. Can’t we?

Wednesday: So on my way home I was listening to my audio book & one of the characters was going on and on about the movie Saving Private Ryan - the excellent direction & acting & the realistic way it portrayed war. I was getting more and more confused & wondering about the guy's sanity. And then I realized that the movie I THOUGHT he was talking about was Private Benjamin. Just a little bit different, don't you think?

Thursday: Just back from the dentist. I'm finally going to find out what it's like to have a root canal. Yay! And then two crowns. And also two fillings need to be replaced. 

I'm pretty sure I can't afford my mouth right now. Sigh.



  1. Funny cartoon. Good luck at the dentist. I'm phobic. If you're like me, you'll be relieved once it's over. Then comes the paying part. :(

    1. Thanks - I'm kind of phobic too. You know you guys will hear ALL about it once I go. Ha!

  2. Real English teachers would never play that game without proper context. LOL.

    1. I'll bet they would if they were being wild & crazy :)

  3. Nice post, great blog, following :)

    Good Luck :)

  4. Cute cartoon! On my ride today there were chalked encouragements on the pavement (left over from some weekend event, I guess). One said "your doing great!" I wanted to go home, get some chalk, and ride back to correct it!

    Those of us who are grammar police really annoy those who just let it fly. In the bike world I keep seeing "peddler" mixed up with "pedaler". GGRRR

    1. That's funny - I would be fighting the same urge. Maybe you should just start carrying chalk with you, just in case :)

  5. I've had root canals and they aren't as bad as some would have you believe.

  6. K's recent root canal helped her immensely. Not so positive for my pocketbook. But she (and you) are worth it. :)


  7. All my dentists love me. And they should...I've made many, many boat payments for them. One dentist, I'm convinced, sent one of his kids to college with my money.

    That cartoon is funny! I still have lunch with my former English teacher a few times a year - I'll have to share it with her.

    1. Yeah - I'm always cynical about having work done on my teeth. In fact, if it doesn't hurt I put it off indefinitely (not necessarily smart I know). I just am suspicious about their motivations :)

  8. UGH. Dental bills! Necessary but so NOT enjoyed! Hope you will have a reprieve after all that work for MANY, MANY years to come!

  9. Private Benjamin?

    I don't know, I've always liked it and watch it when I see it scheduled on some channel. I've been in love with Goldie since I was a kid and saw her on Laugh In.

    1. I liked that movie too, but my favorite Goldie Hawn movie is Foul Play. It makes me laugh uncontrollably just to think about it - ha!

  10. Our church reads aloud, too! It does give you a feeling of unity, doesn't it?

    sorry about the dental's SO expensive, isn't it? ugh.

    1. It does - maybe we don't see eye to eye on everything, but at least we are in unison during the readings. Ha!


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