Tuesday, September 3, 2013

These days

These days I make a list the night before and add to it during the day and really truly believe that this will be the most productive evening Ever in the History of Evenings after Work.

And then I get home, starving, and eat leftover pizza, and catch up on Facebook only to find out one of my friends has disappeared presumably because she’d like to be more productive and I feel like someone punched me in the gut (even though it was NOT personal) and it also feels like I’m walking through molasses so I eat some honey and peanut butter and wonder if I can get away with not packing my lunch tonight so I can go to bed at 9:00.

And what’s hilarious is that I’ve also been thinking about taking a Facebook break because I spend WAY too much time on there. And what’s really wrong is that my Saturn is well and truly done & I feel as sad as if a beloved pet had died.

Big sigh. At least I rode my bike in the cool dusk and enjoyed the petunias and acorns on this day between summer and fall.


  1. Hmmm....how bout packing an apple and some nuts for the carried home from work, along with water so you are not needing to eat immediately. And then use FB as a reward for crossing X amount of things off your pre-determined list. Just a thought....

    And YAY you for doing all this bike riding! It really is a lovely time of year to be out and about.

    The daily puppy today has the funniest face. :)

    1. I did pack an apple & some nuts! And I had a frozen dinner I could grab (I keep them on hand for just such an occasion).

      I think using FB as a reward is a great idea. We'll see how I do with it :)

  2. You have perfect weather. Spend the time enjoying your garden and your doctor (Dr. M) and ignore Facebook until the winter snow drives you inside.

  3. Uggghhh on your car... Many years ago I had a Toyota Tercel - when I finally had to trade it in, my oldest two kids cried. I petted it on the way out. :-(

    Enjoy the weather, the bike rides, and the flowers and know that everybody else is just like you: we never get all the stuff done we want to get done.

    1. Thanks! I'm sure this desire to be productive at home is just a passing fad anyway :)

  4. As much as I love this community and am not thinking about abandoning it, it was really great not to be connected the week I was gone. I checked my email once a day and that was it. I live such an isolated life that Saturdays may be the only day of the week I see or talk to anyone but Marc. And that's only if someone comes into the shop. So I tend to lean on FB and my blog for social interaction. I suppose I could try to make an actual friend out here but I'm solitary by nature.

    1. I see a lot more people than you do on a daily basis, but I don't CONNECT with very many of them. So I depend on blogging & FB to give me that connection too. Guess I probably wouldn't take a total break - maybe just give myself some time limits :)

  5. "List" is a dirty word in my book! Instead, I decided years ago to opt for a 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might' approach - and let all the rest go hang! You wouldn't believe how it cuts down on stress! Hehehe!

    1. Like Sara says below - I have to write it down just to remember what it was I wanted to do! Ha!

    2. I like that: No more lists! That's gonna be number one on my new list.

  6. I have to keep my list, not to be productive, but to just remember these days! :)

  7. I'm one of the last hold-outs in refusing to join FB. I don't want anything that draws me to the computer more often than I already do.

    1. Yeah - that's why I'm not really interested in a smart phone. I think in my case that would be a BAD idea!

  8. The funny thing about FB is that, so often, you actually feel worse because of it. All those happy people, with the best possible picture of themselves posted, hugging puppies and standing on beaches. :-) Seriously, I sometimes leave FB thinking that all the people I've just seen have much better lives than I do!

    Probably not healthy. :-)


    1. You know most of my friends post one of two things: something hilarious or something they're irate about. Only a handful post what's actually going on in their lives - ha!

  9. Yeah, I've found that nothing can waste time quite as effectively as Facebook. I guess it's not TRULY wasted, since you're staying in touch with friends and hopefully being referred to some useful articles and news and that sort of thing -- but still. I do my best to limit my time there!

    1. If I could convince myself not to try to read every little thing that's posted I might be ok :)

    2. I have very tight control of who and what is on my facebook page, and so facebooking, for me, is very rewarding. In that sense, my time spent on fb, as Steve says, is "not TRULY wasted." I look forward to it.

  10. It's so easy to get attached to cars that treat us well for long periods of time. As for Facebook, there are cobwebs on my page.

    1. I used to be such a spontaneous person, but now I'm a creature of habit. I don't want to learn a new car! What if I hate the cupholders?

  11. I am laughing at that...as I feel the same often...UGH. I seem so productive when I LOOK at my lists BUT I actually MUST complete them...and then...well...stuff happens that gets in the way! Yeah! THAT'S IT! :)

  12. I took a FB break...actually KILLED my account. But, the advocacy groups I'm involved with all use FB as a means to communicate, so I really had to get back on. But this time I've been wiser and I'm only answering friend requests from people I really LIKE knowing. Because of prior posts, I know who to avoid!

    So glad you're riding regularly. I feel a little like the "fairy bikemother" except that I didn't have to pay for it. Thanks, Dr. M!

  13. I love how you write!
    Lists--one a day, but it never gets done
    FB--a tool most of the time, can be a distraction too.
    What to do?
    Pobody is nerfect!

    1. I sent the link to "Mion & Louse" to my dad & he printed it out right away. He's already turning it into his own thing - ha!

  14. Oh no! The Saturn's a gonner? That deserves a wake, dontcha think? Now if FB were knocked off the air for a while....meh. :)


  15. I've started cutting back on Facebook myself lately. Its easy to get lost there. Dropping by to say hi since you commented on my blog. Will add you to my blogroll once the weekend gets here and I have more than a couple of minutes to play on the computer.


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