Saturday, April 10, 2010

Project 365 – Week Fifteen

For those who are worried about me after Thursday's post – all is well. I know I mostly blamed hormones, but frankly I think the major problem was that my boss was on vacation & work was MIND NUMBINGLY BORING. It put me into a stupor. Or a torpor. Or a storpor. Something like that. I'm all better now.

Sunday, April 4th

On Sunday Dr. M & I explored a local fen. If you want to see the rest of the pictures, just go to this post.

Monday, April 5th

On Monday Dr. M had a photo shoot with a squirrel in our back yard.

Tuesday, April 6th

When I got home from work my feet were so hot – a rare (and portentous?) occurrence. The grass felt heavenly!

Dr. M took pictures of some of the budding trees on his way home – this Bradford Pear tree is lovely.

 Wednesday, April 7th

On Wednesday I vacuumed the house. I have a hate-hate relationship with my vacuum cleaner. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true! It's not really this particular vacuum – I just have very little patience for the activity. But now it's done for another month! (You think I'm kidding, don't you?)

Thursday, April 8th

On Thursday Dr. M saw a toad by the house. Of course, I immediately thought about O Brother Where Art Thou: "We thought you was a toad!"

And here are the first signs of the wildflowers Dr. M planted in the flower bed. At least we hope they're flowers – kind of hard to tell at this point LOL.

Friday, April 9th

Friday I walked around the neighborhood taking flower pictures. These are from a church near our house – a redbud tree & some gorgeous tulips.

Saturday, April 10th
I took another walk around the neighborhood this morning. This is what happens when good geese go bad!

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. I'm happy to see that spring has made it up to you. I still love red bud trees. they are done here though as are the pears.

  2. And the grass...there was grass in that picture?

  3. Spring is so special after a long cold winter...awwwwwww....nice!

  4. Hi Bug, I have not visited for some time and it was a real treat this morning to go through all your posts that I have not read before. That picture of the "run" in you "fen" post is so beautiful. Makes me feel that I want to sit somewhere and just loose myself in the peacefulness of the view. Regards to Dr M, he takes lovely pictures.

  5. great week!!! so glad to see spring getting around to everyone!

  6. Special squirrel shoot!
    Feel of grass--reminded me of when we lived on the ship Doulos and our youngest was a baby. On the rare occasion when we were in a port with a nice grassy park and the opportunity to go there, and I sat him down, he squirmed uncomfortably at the unknown feel.
    I have the same dislike for the v-word and stay away as long as I can from the activity!
    What on earth did the goose do to deserve such punishment?!

  7. Love the blue sky peeking through that gorgeous pear tree! Your feet look very cozy in that grass and clover.
    You are using lots of big words this week!
    Have a super week!!

  8. I can just feel that cool grass on my toes, very nice. The flower pictures are just beautiful I love taking pictures of flowers.

    Wonderful 365.


  9. I love the colors of those tulips! I want nice green grass like that!

  10. Look at all the flowers & blooms.. wonderful!

    I'm cracking up at your squirrel... how much of a model diva is she! :)

  11. Re: your vacuuming philosophy - a woman after my own heart! Lovely interesting and varied pics again this week.

  12. Your commentary with the photos is great! Loved both :-)

    I hated vacuuming too and was not at all sad when we took up all the carpeting at the parsonage and had either hardwood or linoleum floors. Here it's ceramic all the way. :-)

  13. You hate vaccuuming, I hate dusting, wanna trade? I'll come vaccuum your house and you can dusk mine, my house is tiny!

    You take really good pictures of flowers, ya know that?


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...