Monday, October 11, 2010

Micah and Me

So I had the day off from work today – unexpected paid holiday, which was nice. I slept until 8:30 (fondly remembering the days when I could easily sleep until 10:00) and puttered around on the computer while I ate breakfast. I washed a load of towels, then I went to the grocery store. Now I'm washing sheets. A very exciting day.

In between those tasks, reading blogs & playing games I spent more time than usual on facebook.

I updated my status to acknowledge National Coming Out Day: The Bug is straight and National Coming Out Day is today. I'm coming out for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality because it's 2010 and almost 90% of LGBT youth experience harassment in school, and too many lives have been lost.

Then I linked to an article about Christine O'Donnell – or, rather, about the type of economic politics she espouses: Why Christine O'Donnell is not you. Dr. M had some excellent commentary on why supply side economics doesn't work.

Then I linked to my friend Anne Wolfe Fraley's excellent blog post about strategies to deal with Westboro Baptist Church: reverent irreverence: where are david kelly and aaron sorkin when you need them?

And then I read Katy's post at What a Great Place to be a Cow. She posted a great video, part of a series called It Gets Better – about how if you can just make it through high school without taking your own life, it really does get better. Powerful & moving – go over to her blog & watch it now!

Lastly, I changed my facebook status to read: I've been on my political high horse today (or, you know, given my stellar debate skills, my political pony - I wonder if it's pink?). I just realized that I've had this verse running though my head all day:

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8


Act justly, love mercy. Do we? Can we?

My little (political) pony


  1. If you think about it, catch my post tomorrow. My brother (who is gay) is my first guest poster. He did a fantastic job!

  2. I really like what you've posted. I have always loved that verse, for something to strive for.

  3. Sounds like you had a productive day off, I love when you have something running through your head and it turns out to be helpful and really a message for you.

  4. I need a day off but I enjoyed yours anyway.

  5. Fine use of a day off.
    A paper has just been published here, by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, "How Fair is Britain?".
    Not good reading in its entirety, but I'll just highlight this for your post,
    "Although attitudes have changed towards gay men and lesbians, two thirds of those of secondary school age report severe bullying with 17 per cent having death threats."

    What is good, indeed.

    Thanks bug, good post.


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