Saturday, October 16, 2010

Project 365 – Week Forty-Two

Once again most of the pictures were taken by Dr. M – he does such a good job. I'm always in too big a hurry to stop to take pictures. In fact, this week I have three more that I took while I was driving. Didn't even look or slow down, so you can imagine the quality! Oh, and WARNING WILL ROBINSON – there are a lot of pictures this week. It's just too gorgeous around here & I had a hard time picking!

Sunday, October 10th
Dr. M took his history club to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday. They had a good time but they ROASTED. It was so hot on Sunday. Here's one of the shows they watched.

And a picture of Dr. M as they were leaving. They were late getting to the Mudde Show & had to sit too close to the front. I was highly amused when he got home & had mud all over his costume.

Monday, October 11th
On Monday I had the day off from work & did laundry. Our washer will hold two loads of towels, but not the dryer. So while one set dried inside, the other set dried outside. It was so warm again that they dried in about 2 hours.

Dr. M still had to go to school & took these gorgeous pictures on his way.

Here is a tree on his campus.

I took this picture of the tree over the fence in our back yard.

And, lastly, that evening I took a picture of one of our banana pepper plants – still going strong.

Tuesday, October 12th
Just one picture from Tuesday, taken by Dr. M – another beautiful tree.

Wednesday, October 13th
On Wednesday I did some drive by shooting. Inexplicably, the sheep farm I pass now has a ginormous bull in their front yard. I'm not sure what it means, but I knew I had to take a picture of it.

This is just a random shot of some of the trees on my way home. I like the understated color of the trees & the sky above them.

Dr. M had took this picture of a field of flowers – such a nice contrast with the rest of the fall landscape.

Speaking of – another fabulous tree!

Thursday, October 14thMore gorgeous fall pictures from Dr. M – and another shot of our town (apparently it's the new thing to do on Thursdays – we had almost the same picture last Thursday)

Friday, October 15thThis made me laugh so I had to post it. I could never get myself to work early enough this week so I couldn't get a picture of the Tax Time Pig. And I didn't get one this day either LOL. So much for point & shoot. It's dressed as a red devil this week. (Click on the picture to enlarge it & read my little message).

Dr. M got some actual pictures – we've been fascinated by the corn for some reason. I love this picture of the flower & the ear of corn.

I wonder where this corn will go?

Saturday, October 16thWell, it's not summer any more. We had our first frost, & are now afraid for our tomatoes. Although, you know, it is October, so I think we should be able to let them go. This is ice in the bird bath.

So we started the week sweltering & ended it with frost. All in all a pretty normal fall week for us. Well, except that the hot has been extra hot this year.

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. We had a great time at the Ren Fest, but I may have to bleach my unbleached cotton shirt to get the mudstains out :-(

  2. Fabulous trees. Love, Love, Love!

  3. Oh my... those maple trees! So beautiful!!

  4. oh the trees!!!! That color is beautiful!

    laughed out loud on your picture (or not) of the pig!!!

    Ice already?!!

  5. Beautiful tree shots! Love the colors.
    What is it with your town are large, fake animals? (bull, tax pig) If they start dressing that bull I will be on the floor laughing.
    Of tax pig, you are missed but envisioned well! :)
    Have a super week!!

  6. Oh how I love all of those beautiful fall pictures. Fall is my favorite season and sadly we do not have that season here in AZ. So I will live through your blog to enjoy it! Hope you have a great week.

  7. You two are such a team: photographer & blogger = a great blog.
    Love the sunrise and the corn with morningglory peaking out!
    The devilish pig...will have to take your word for it. LOL

  8. Amazing scenery you have around you. Those trees are beautiful and the colors are gorgeous.

  9. I am completely distracted {or jealous} by those beautiful trees! ;) Nothing like that here. By mid-day, we still have a summer-ish feeling in the air. Too warm for ice.

  10. Took me awhile to get around this week. Once again your tree photos are amazing. I miss the "fall". We get hot and sweltering followed by cloudy and rainy. Such good pictures and all to and from work!!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...