Saturday, October 30, 2010

Project 365 – Week Forty-Four

I took more pictures myself this week. Sorry. Dr. M is by far the better photographer. Heh. And we even had a reasonable number of pictures each day until the end of the week.

Sunday, October 24th
Here are the last of our tomatoes. Except for a full box of individually wrapped ones. We're told that this will make them ripen. We'll see.

Monday, October 25th
Dr. M took this gorgeous shot.

Tuesday, October 26th
The boy next door (the one who was running for the ice cream truck last week) has a very "fluid" decorating system. Every day he does something new to his yard. I took these pictures on Tuesday, but by Friday it looked different again. The skeleton was freaky because it was windy that day & the fingers of the hand "gripping" the tree kept flapping. Scary!

Wednesday, October 27th
I went to a park not too far from where I work and took a couple of pictures. This is the Little Miami River, a tributary of the Ohio River.

Random leaf.

Thursday, October 28th
I probably don't need to explain this picture. Fun fun fun! Not. But necessary – ladies over 40, have you had your mammogram this year?

Here is a spinner hanging where the Topsy Turvy tomato plant was. We call him Mr. Greenjeans.

Friday, October 29th
Dr. M took a picture of a funky sky.

Guess who! The Tax Time Pig, that's who!

I ran an errand for someone at work. When I got back someone had taken my nice close parking space & I had to park at the very end of the parking lot. I had the WRONG shoes on for all that hiking. Fortunately I had some sneakers in my trunk.

Saturday, October 30th
Tonight was Beggar's Night in our town (this is apparently a kinder gentler alternative to Halloween?). There is a church on the corner across the street that does Trunk or Treat, so we get a lot of visitors from that event. Dr. M loves dressing up & giving out candy. And boy do we give out candy!

After a while I felt like I was being a Grinch hiding inside so I threw on my costume & joined him in the yard (yes, I am wearing no makeup. Saturdays are makeup-free zones in my life). Please note the fancy bow on my Professor McGonagall hat. This is an example of repurposing. A friend of mine is an excellent & creative gift wrapper – this was the bow from my Christmas present last year!

The sky was pretty amazing. It was in the 50s, just slightly breezy, gorgeous sunset – good Halloween!

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. I'm professor McGonagall for Halloween every year. I love seeing all your fall pictures...

  2. Love your week in pictures... esp. the tax time pig....why, I NEVER would have recognized him! We had lots of trick or treaters too, but I am still mystified at the number of kids coming over the age of 14. Didn't that used to be cause for embarrassment if you were a teen and caught trick or treating??? And they come bearing pillow cases!

  3. Know what you mean, Jayne! The boy next door, a good kid whom we try to encourage, actually struggled with whether or not to trick or treat, and he's 12. He did go out, but I suspect this may be his last year. On the other hand, there were teens with pillow cases who didn't even dress up...not really! And there were a few teens, and one or two mommies, that left me wondering whether to give them candy or tuck a bill in their, ahem, know what I mean. On the other hand, there were some really nifty costumes, and a fair number of parents who dressed up, too, and walked their kids around our block.

  4. Love the photos,specially the header!
    Have put youdown to drive the pottery bus on Nov 29th. Hope that's ok and thanklee kindly for offering. Pip pip!

  5. Great collection of pictures, as usual. Sigh. I really need to find a way to get a smaller, lighter-weight camera to carry with me for those moments of regret when I say, "dang, I wish I had my camera..."

  6. great pictures but what is 'trunk' or treat? the treat I get, it's the trunk that has me mystified.

  7. Hi Ellen,

    Trunk or Treat is a fairly recent innovation for churches in these parts: members come to the church with trunks laden with goodies, and so the kids of the neighborhood and congregation can come to a central location to trick or treat. Some churches also use this as an opportunity to pass out tracts, etc., but it does allow members who may live in areas inhospitable to trick or treating to participate, I suppose. Since the local church started this program, we have had an explosion of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood.

  8. trick or treating is tonight down here. Last year we only had a handful of kids due to all the traffic on our street..we'll see.

    loving that you still have tomatoes, actually jealous that you still have tomatoes!

  9. Oh, you guys are the best. I love your costumes, and after seeing that candy, I should show up at your house. I love Reese's Cups.

    I've heard about wrapping the tomatoes too. We picked our last few green ones yesterday and I'm thinking about frying them.

    I have to confess that I live for that pig. You must never stop posting pictures of him. It cracks me up.

    Happy Halloween!

  10. Your shots each week amaze me...all the beauty in nature you capture through your lens. LOve it.
    We had trick or treating tonight. I wish it had been on Saturday. Yum to your candy stash. We needed to come to your house. You look cute in your costume.

  11. You and Dr M look quite the paid in your costumes - nobody around here dresses up to give out candy, the kids do when they come to get it. Looks like fun though and I think trunk or treat is a great idea.

  12. LOVING the week in pictures! You and Dr. M ROCK!!

  13. the seasonal pictures are great. i know halloween isnt the greatest holiday but i have always loved the colors that are used and i can't help but love decorations and costumes. it's fun!

  14. That skeleton is crazy scary. Yikes! Love your fall pictures. What a very green leaf! Funny. Lookin' cute in your costume. ;)

  15. I love the random leaf and the sky is fantastic!
    Tax pig is prepared for every occasion.
    You are a smart woman to keep sneakers in your trunk.
    Have a super week!!

  16. Great costumes and yummy looking candy! love those sky pics and that random leaf pic is so random!! lol pretty though. and of course tax time pig is a ghost!! lol


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