Saturday, October 23, 2010

Project 365 – Week Forty-Three

Once again most of the pictures were taken by Dr. M – he does such a good job. I'm always in too big a hurry to stop to take pictures. Oh, and WARNING WILL ROBINSON – there are a lot of pictures this week. It's just too gorgeous around here & I had a hard time picking!

If that sounds familiar it's because it's exactly what I said last week – except that this week I actually stopped to take a few pictures.

Sunday, October 17th
Dr. M took a picture of this robin that sat very properly on the birdbath for a while.

And then he went to town – splish splash he was takin' a bath!

Later that afternoon we played bocce for a while. Our yard is a bit on the uneven & concrete-ish side, so instead of a game of skill it was a game of chance. The boy from next door decided that he wanted to try.

That is until the ice cream truck came by. It was funny – I was just trying to get a picture of the truck & here comes A barreling down the driveway to get his popsicle.

 Monday, October 18th
These days it's dark when Dr. M gets to school, so he often catches the campus herd in action.

On his way home he took a picture of one of my favorite houses in Yellow Springs – fall is when it shines the most – fits right in with all the foliage.

Tuesday, October 19th
I love this picture of a squirrel on Dr. M's campus! It's just doing what squirrels are supposed to do this time of year.

Dr. M also took some pictures of seasonal decorations – and some really lovely flowers.

These trees are on the street behind our house.

Wednesday, October 20th
Look! I took some pictures! Here is the Tax Time Pig – no longer a red devil. I think he's a ninja pumpkin this week. If you look in the background you can see that they've dressed their goose up for Halloween too.

When I left for lunch a medical helicopter was taking off from the lawn in front of my building – they use it because it's so wide & flat (remind me to take a picture of the lawn sometime!). In my effort to capture the helicopter (it's just in the top of the tree at the bottom of the picture) I got this great sun shot. Now this is the type of accidental photo I like!

Dr. M took a ton of pictures of the fall foliage this week – it was so hard for me to pick just a few! To see a couple of others check out yesterday's post.

Thursday, October 21st
Dr. M was finally able to get a good picture of the ducks at this dam – the traffic is usually too bad for him to be able to stop there.

Here are a couple of pictures just to remind everyone of where we live.

Seasonal decorations – love how the pumpkins look with the wagon.

Friday, October 22nd
Dr. M was drawn to the moon on Friday – here it is on his way to school. Love the low lying fog & how the frost makes it look like there's snow on the ground.

On his way home he took a picture of the river he crosses.

And here is the evening moon, taken from our yard.

Saturday, October 23rd
Dr. M got up at a ridiculous hour of the morning, as usual, and took yet another moon picture – I thought this one was really Halloweeny through the trees.

Here are our window decorations. We have two neighbors who take this holiday seriously, so we try to keep up appearances at our house in our own understated way. Yes, this is understated.

When I finally rousted myself out of bed I took a picture of our door decoration (I’m sitting on the floor, which is why he seems to be looming over me). We've just named him frankencrow because last year's hot sun caused him to start falling apart (the disadvantage of glue, I guess), so he's pinned together using various implements. Including my one year pin from my last job.

And here is Martha Goose in her October finery. Yes, that’s my fuzzy sock & croc shod foot in the corner.

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Love the sun shot and the moon pics. I can't get good pics of the moon with my camera, no detail, just a glowing ball of light. And yeah, we see lots of farm equipment here. A country traffic jam is getting stuck behind a tractor.

  2. I always love to see what the pig is going to be dressed up as!

    That picture of the squirrel is perfect!!! Getting ready for winter!

  3. Oh that moon. The moon this week was been a presence, very bright and clear.

  4. Wow, that was alot of pics, but they were all so great! I see why you like that house - so much character! And the pig too, what a character! I'm looking forward to next weeks pics!

  5. love the robin taking a bath!! great shot!

    bocce was one of our favorite games when we lived in IN. we would play around the fences! It's much too hilly here to would never see your ball again!! :)

  6. I love your pictures. We don't have a lot of trees that change colors down here so its nice to see that fall is alive and well in some parts of the world.

  7. I miss the colors of fall! So thank you for sharing yours with me :) I'm SOOOOOO happy that next year I'll be able to enjoy it live and in person while we're on furlough!

    That's such a cool house in Yellow Springs! I love it when a homeowner does something unusual with color (unless it involves purple. There's just something wrong about a bright purple house exterior)

    I can see why you couldn't choose just seven photos this week -- so many gorgeous ones! I'm happy you shared them all!!!

  8. What a wonderful "fall" week! Love all the photos that just burst with autumn's beauty.

  9. Lovin' all of the fall photos..makes me miss MI so much this time of year! You and hubby are able to capture some of the greatest the bird spashing around in the bath and the squirrel sitting with the nut in his mouth (like he was posing). The moon pics are gorgeous! Have a great week!

  10. Great shots this week!

    I want a bird bath in my yard...


  11. rocked the camera this week with all the beauty of the outdoors. Amazing colors and skies. Wow. Some of those you should frame. The bird and squirrel are pretty darn cute too.

  12. Great shots this week!
    Love the bird splashing and the squirrel.
    That house does look very fitting in the fall surroundings.
    Lots of great moon shots too. I really like the "halloweeny" one. The sky is amazing with it!
    Martha is looking lovely and I'm glad to see she has a friend in Mr. Frankencrow.
    Tax pig never gets old!!
    Have a great week!!

  13. What a cute birdie!!

    Ha ha! The ice cream truck strikes again!

    Love all the fall pictures. Isn't this time of year breathtaking?

  14. Awesome shots. Love the squirrel and the moon, and the fall color!

  15. my 365 blog

  16. The squirrel and ninja pig crack me up. Beautiful pictures. You have quite the photographer there. ;)

  17. You two capture grrrreat nature pics. I like all of them, but my favorite is of the campus herd.
    Thanks for always stopping by.
    Have a good rest of the week.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...