Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Dr. M!

It's Dr. M's birthday! Today he's doing what he does best – giving a talk at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati. Here's the blurb:

Before and After: Domestic Terrorism in America
November 13, 2010 02:00 PM
Terrorism in American didn't begin with the events of September 11. Join Dr. M for a discussion focused on the connections between the terrorism experienced by Americans and in America today and the legacy of terrorism experienced throughout our country's history. Focusing particularly on events before and after the Civil War, this program is a case study through which we can understand domestic terrorism and its effects on Americans. Presented in conjunction with The Enemy Within. Reservations preferred, but not required, to 513-333-7705. Free with admission.

As usual, I'm pretty proud of him.

I was going to write a poem about him, but I've written too many poems this week already (besides, there's a very important event happening next month which will require a poem). So, instead, a little photo gallery. Enjoy!

A Dissertation Avoidance Tool? No! A Sanity Restorer!

At a history conference (imagine that!)

A picture at a historical site - we might have one or two of these (I'm amazed I didn't pick one with a cannon in it!)

Halloween last year

Being goofy at my dad's house last Christmas
Love you, dear heart!


  1. Happy, happy birthday to your sweet hubby!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dr. M!! What a guy!! Hope you both enjoy some lovely festivities. xox

  3. Happy Birthday Dr. M! Let him eat cake!

  4. You know what? I remember when it was Dr. M.'s birthday last year...! *heh*

    Happy Birthday, Dr. M...!

  5. Wishing Dr. M a very Happy Birthday! I hope you did something fun! His talk looks utterly fascinating! I'm sure you are proud but of course, I always think one extraordinary person is only complimented by another.

  6. happy birthday dr m - and keep looking after bug for us brits


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