Saturday, November 6, 2010

Project 365 – Week Forty-Five

Well, I'm showing my real photographic ability this week – two blurry photos that I had to use anyway. Oh well – Dr. M makes up for it with his excellent photography.

Sunday, October 31st
Dr. M took this lovely picture of the moon. Appropriate for Halloween.

Monday, November 1st
Dr. M took this picture of some more fall foliage.

And here is the "last flower of summer" – I wrote this poem after seeing this picture.

Tuesday, November 2nd
This is another Dr. M day – love this picture of a buck!

We didn't vote for Mr. LaBotz, but Dr. M knows him. And a friend of ours dated his son in high school. Fascinating family. And the real deal – if you think that President Obama is a socialist, you should read Dan's platform.

Ohio farmland in the autumn.

I got this blurry photo of the tax time pig – on election day.

Wednesday, November 3rd
The road less traveled, through Dr. M's eyes. Actually, it's a road he travels a lot.

Thursday, November 4th
Another moon shot. I thought there was a UFO in the picture, but the next shot reveals it as a simple airplane. Darn!

Sunrise on the Little Miami River.

Friday, November 5th
Blurry shot of Martha Goose. I had one in focus, but I think this one shows better just exactly how she feels about being a turkey for November.

Saturday, November 6th
We decided to take a short road trip today – headed to Ripley Ohio again. Of course, once there we had to stop at the Rockin' Robin Soda Shoppe.

Love this giant pumpkin among the white petunias.

On the way home the sky was just so much fun that I had to take a picture.

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. You are such a good girl! I have fallen off the 365 wagon, but you have inspired me to get back on.

  2. That last picture, the sky looks painted.

  3. I have to say the moon shots were great. I find it amazing that people can have things like Tax Time Pig and Martha goose in their front yards and nobody messes with them. If someone did that in my town, they'd be stolen or probably vandalised.

  4. Those pictures of the moon are very cool! Love the picture of the pumpkin in the flowers!

  5. Oh! I love the pumpkin! It looks like it is slowly making a rolling escape from the house behind it. Go Halloween Squash, Go!

    I also want to sit down and ask the pig for all sorts of advice. He looks very knowledgeable.

  6. Love all these, esp. the farm scene and the last one of the gorgeous sky!

  7. Lovely autumn photos! What a great road to drive down on a regular basis -- much better than a city commute :) I'm hoping there'll be a few pumpkins and fall-ish things to look at when we get to the U.S. this week. Packed my winter coat this morning but since it's in the 90s, it's hard to imagine that in a few days I'll be wearing it!

  8. I wish I could drive down that road every day!!! ...except maybe in the snow!

    I do however miss the view of the farmland!

    great week!

  9. You must live in the most beautiful city or country area. The beauty that you photograph and have to view daily is amazing. I just love it. Very cool moon pictures. My daughter just pointed out the crescent moon last night. Very neat. Love it when the moon looks like that.
    The tax time pig is hilarious.

  10. Like your new header!
    Quite a big buck!
    That's 'some pig'!
    And, is it a goosekey or a turkoose?
    You always have great photos!

  11. Oh, we all have the blurry picture problem here and there. Sometimes, as you said, that's the picture you really want to SHARE because of it's content, not because of it's quality. I think it's important to "photo-journal" what you WANT to and don't worry about technique. (Says the one (me) who has no idea what she's doing with the very nice camera she owns.)

    Beautiful fall foliage...and I love the sunset picture!! What a great idea to put a big pumpkin in a bed of white flowers! Cute.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...