Sunday, December 3, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

We had a ceasefire, and then resumption of firing, and it feels like the whole world is on one side or the other. I myself am on the side of children. And not just in Israel and Gaza! Now, with that out of the way, let’s check out the week.
Sunday, November 26th       
I skipped church, but did go to my dad’s to have lunch with him (and work a puzzle). He had the genius idea to put honey mustard pretzels on our ham sandwiches. Delicious!

We’ve been talking about getting a larger TV because we were having trouble reading the scores for our baseball & hockey games. Dr. M finally took the plunge & used some of his birthday money to get this one. It’s huge! (To us anyway.) And SUCH an improvement in technology. We can use his Amazon Prime account to watch movies, air drop from our phones if we want to, and of course actually see the hockey score. Amazing! I also like how it looks like our fireplace mantel is a fancy frame for the TV.

Monday, November 27th
Dr. M’s brunch was a holey affair.

Tuesday, November 28th                       
Matchy matchy!

Wednesday, November 29th                               
Getting ready to leave the office (this was at 5:30).

Thursday, November 30th                             
I was making a sort of tostada with refried beans & cheese & I tried to put an egg on top, but it slid to the side & then the tortilla was getting overdone, but the egg wasn’t nearly done, so I shifted the pan to the side of the burner & that’s how you know that I’m a great cook. The end.

Friday, December 1st                         
I put my wooden calendar together & then took a terrible photo of it, so I’m just sharing this small detail. It’s the square for our anniversary, with our wedding cake painted on it. We’ll have been married 33 years on the 15th!

Saturday, December 2nd                      
It was foggy all day, but did I get a nice atmospheric photo with maybe a ghostly squirrel out in the yard? No I did not. Instead, you get this shot from my Be Real moment of the day – Laundry O’Clock!

Today was the first Sunday in Advent & we had a lovely service at church. It’s the beginning of the church year & I’ve made a few resolutions for myself. We’ll see how that goes. How about you – I think a lot of my readers aren’t religious, but do you think of certain times of the year as “clean the slate” opportunities?


  1. Love the "matchy-matchy" look! And your breakfast looks kinda like some I (try to) make.

    1. Thanks! The breakfast was tasty, if not very photogenic.

  2. I think your new tv looks great in that setting, and I like the 'matchy-matchy' look. Because it's the first Sunday in Advent, I finally turned on the lights on the tree, and lit a couple of bayberry candles. I love Advent, and do my best to keep it as a season. Since the Christmas season begins on 12/25 for us and goes for twelve days, I don't feel any need to rush things. I'll keep the tree up until Epiphany. As for cleaning the slate, I am going to try and clean off a few pounds before Epiphany: ten, as a matter of fact. It should be easy enough, since two pounds a week will do it.

    1. I should do the same thing - my dad's goal is 5 pounds by Christmas, but then he made us chocolate waffles for lunch yesterday. It's a struggle!

  3. That sandwich. The roof of my mouth is hurting just looking at it!

    I'm all about matching the glasses to the outfit. Well done.

    1. The bread mitigated the crunch. Really!

      I was pretty amazed at how well these matched!

  4. we still have a small TV because it has to fit in our 30" cabinet. a bigger TV would necessitate rearranging the entire room and I'm just not up for that. pretzels on a ham sandwich? ouch! and next time cook the egg separate and add it on. but yck to the egg anyway. I've decided you don't have any taste buds.

    1. I think you're right - I have to keep doing more and more outrageous things to keep my taste buds interested. Ha!

  5. That TV is impressive! With the fireplace around it, it looks like one of those old '70s console TVs with the wood casing. (But with a much clearer picture!) I like your matchy-matchy look! What is BeReal? Is that an app or something?

    1. BeReal is an app where everyone gets a notification to take a photo at the same time. The time of the photo is different every day - sometimes midnight (which I ignore), sometimes 3:00, sometimes 8:30. You never know. You can only see the photos of people you are "friends" with on the app. I only have two friends - ha!

  6. I so wish I lived near you so I could go to your church - you have to have the coolest & accepting church!
    I see you get your weird food combo love from your dad! LOL

    1. It is a pretty cool church! I wish you lived near me so you could help me with my knitting. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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