Saturday, October 22, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Forty-Three

We had cooler temps and a lot of rain this week, but the last couple of days have been gorgeous. Which is in keeping with the fall colors that are still showing up everywhere.

Sunday, October 16th    
Our peppers still think it’s summer!

Monday, October 17th
Dr. M took a couple of pictures of Ohio farming.

Remember last year we had some pictures of the buffalo and his goat? Now he has two goats!

Tuesday, October 18th  
Dr. M saw this doe on the railroad track – get off there girl, you’re making me nervous!

The State of the Bug. I had lunch with a friend from my old church. We were celebrating her 83rd birthday.

My sister-in-law (hey B!) told us that it was chocolate cupcake day, so I came home to mini-cupcakes. My hubby is the best!

Wednesday, October 19th
Dr. M took several pictures of gorgeous leaves this week. Here’s one.

The geese love the cornfield.

Thursday, October 20th        
The miniature rose that our neighbors gave me after my surgery has decided to start blooming again. :)

Friday, October 21st
More gorgeous trees.

I really tried to get a picture of the Tax Time Pig. But there was a car behind me and a UPS truck coming from the other direction, and as you can see my pointing & shooting just netted a picture of the post that stands directly between me and the silly pig. Sigh.

My youngest nephew turned 18 today. I thought it would be appropriate to post a picture from when he was a little kid. Happy birthday B2!

Saturday, October 22nd
Dr. M & I took a ramble today. We drove around a bit.

And then went to our favorite fen. I didn’t use my cane. I basically stopped using it last week when I pulled the muscle in my side because it hurt to press my hand down on the cane handle. Now my side is much improved, but I decided that I was done with the cane. Anyway, we had a nice short walk.

According to this woolly worm we’re going to have a mild winter. I’ll believe it when I see it!

How was your week?

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. Your tree colors are a lot prettier than ours. Love the bird photo. Sounds like your surgery was a big success!

  2. You say their was a buffalo and his goat and now there are two goats? I didn't know biology worked that way.

  3. No more cane. Great news. I love the pictures of your very beautiful week.

  4. so good to see the color in all those trees!!! We just don't have a lot of that down here and with the dry summer it is even worse. Yours are so pretty!

    so funny the buffalo and the goats!!!

  5. Your woolly bear caterpillar is going to grow up to be Pyrrharctia isabella - Isabella Tiger Moth. Just cuz I like to know these things.

  6. Great shots! I did not have a particular favorite this week...I loved them all. I am partial however to barns...and you did not let me down there!

  7. Thanks Bug for letting us visit your beautiful world - and your friends looks amazing for 83!

  8. Looks like it was a great week for you. I loved all the photographs. I'm glad you are able to go without the cane. You might want to purchase a trekking pole (or even a pair) to have around when you are walking on trails or other rugged terrain. Just a little added insurance.

  9. Your photos were so gorgeous I wanted to jump into the computer and be in that lovely cornfield. I hope the beautiful doe jumped off that railway track, thanks for sharing your lovely part of the world.

  10. I love all your beautiful fall pictures this week. But the trees on Friday are especially wonderful!!

    Chocolate cupcake day?!? I don't know how I miss these things. But it's probably for the best that I did. ;)

  11. That's a radiant and young looking 83 year old!
    All great pics twixt the w of U!
    Love seeing so many geese. I must be getting ready for hunting stories of this week.

  12. 83?!? she looks great!!
    I like the picture of the geese in the field.
    your trees ARE gorgeous!

  13. Your trees have so much more color than we saw here. I keep looking, but it's a bit disappointing. It was sunny this weekend, so maybe we'll see a bit more color this week.

    I hope your wooly worm is right. Can you send him up here, please?

  14. I love that you two "took a ramble". :) Love the barn photos.!

  15. Stephen - ha! It does look very suspicious to me!

    I had been afraid that we wouldn't have much color this year, but it really has been gorgeous. I was glad we got to get out & ramble a bit.

    Helen IS a very young 83 - we always talk church & politics when we visit. She's always updating me on the latest MSNBC stuff :)

  16. I am yearning to go out and take some fall foliage very soon.....we are starting to get a bit of color in our area...

    very nice pictures this week!

    my peppers are still producing as well, they usually go until the first frost:)

    Have a great week!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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