Monday, October 10, 2011

This is Not Monday Miscellany

I was all ready to head to bed, but Dr. M made me start thinking about the Willow Manor Ball so my brain had to wake up again (just a little bit). I've never participated in this annual event - I've never been much of a dancer - but this year Dr. M plans to attend so I thought I'd go as well. Here's what Tess says about the ball:

Just in case you haven't heard about the cyber event of the year, mark your calendars. There will be a Mr. Linky widget provided for those who wish to share their dates and what they are wearing the the ball, which mysteriously lasts a whole 24 hours beginning at 12:00 a.m. on:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't forget, there will door prizes chosen from everyone who attends (leaves a comment) here at Willow Manor on the 12th. When you arrive, hop on into the comment section, and join the fun.
One of the great things about a cyber ball is that we all dance like gods and goddesses. Make sure you have your dance cards ready, because we will be rolling up the carpets at Willow Manor. Valentino said tile floor was the best for dancing the tango, but in this case, the hardwood floors at the manor will do the trick. 

You'll have to wait until Wednesday to see what I'm planning. But here is a teaser...


  1. OMG ... hit the deck, er ballroom floor!

  2. A girl's got to be prepared for anything.

  3. Great shoes...!

    (I'm always suspicious of gimmicks that people use to drive traffic to their blogs.)

  4. Hmm, I was not aware of the ball. Do they allow gate-crashers?

  5. How much fun does this all sound? I Wanna go!!!! ... & carry a gun!!! :)

  6. Oh, my! Can't wait for the reveal!

  7. Anyone who wants to attend is welcome - the more the merrier! This is the 4th annual event - you can go here to see what last year's looked like:

  8. You look pretty comfortable holding that gun.

  9. Glad to see that you will arrive prepared...not sure for what ...but I shall be behind you fact with you all the way!

  10. Like the sneak preview, I must be reading the wrong fashion pages, my accessories are a little tamer than yours!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...