Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Improbably, it’s Monday again. Sigh. And, inevitably, I have some words.

• Dr M has written a fabulous poem. I am tempted to use it for our Christmas poem this year, but it mentions the Zombie Apocalypse so perhaps not. You can read it here.

• As I was washing my hands in the restroom this morning I had my usual thought about why don’t we have foot-pedal operated spigots? Wouldn’t that be the best? No handles to touch, no wasting water. Really – why aren’t these available? I’d like them in my home too.

• I have somehow pulled strained injured done something to my right external oblique muscle (it’s basically the one running down your side from your armpit to hip or thereabouts). I’m self-diagnosing here, but I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on. And let me tell you that sucker hurts! And do you have any idea how often even a computer potato like me uses that muscle? I’m on a strict regimen of ice & heat & slacktitude. I’ll report on Thursday about whether or not it’s working. What I really need are some drugs, but I don’t think I’ve ever even taken a muscle relaxer & I definitely don’t have any in our medicine cabinet.

• Baseball is now dead to me. At least until March when pitchers & catchers report. I know people who are pulling for the Cardinals and people who are pulling for the Rangers. And I wish them all well. I’ll be in the kitchen working a jigsaw puzzle. Unless my injured external oblique muscle causes me too much pain while I place the pieces in their proper places.

Well that’s enough words for now. You may now get back to your normal Monday.


  1. I've never heard the word "slackitude" before but it's such a great word that I don't know how I've lived without it. Thanks so much. Sorry about your injury.

  2. If you root for the Cardinals, every bit of your pain will disappear.

  3. PS ... I re-posted my 'Batter Up' poem over on Living Boldly .. it might help get you in the mood.

  4. ha baseball is now dead to me as well...dang it....oh well...ouch on the pull strain pain...hope it heals soon!

  5. Sorry to hear about your muscle and just what is wrong with mentioning the Zombie Apocalypse in a Christmas poem anyway? Baseball is completely opaque to me, I'm afraid: I don't even know how many horses you're allowed.

  6. Bug, heal up soon, although a bit of slackittude is good for what ails us.

    As for baseball, I will not watch the WS. The Cards and the Rangers, who cares?

  7. I'm a nascar girl, so can't relate to the baseball, but lots of people are saying it's dead just like you!

    Ouch on the muscle! Hope it's better soon!

  8. If you decide to take muscle medication, it is hard on your tummy and can cause ulcers, so go gently and carefully. The Blue Jays give up baseball in July by the midseason break, and so do I. When the Jays put together a winning streak in August or September, my interest peaks. It's hockey season now anyways. Thanks for sharing, Bug!! Rest your ankle.

  9. Girl...I've officially sworn off baseball, too. Perhaps I can turn you into a Wingnut. I do love me some hockey and the Wings are my team of choice.

    I hope you mend from the muscle tear.

  10. LOL Argent - that's about how I feel about soccer (football) & rugby :)

    My side already feels better - there actually is something to that heat/cold treatment stuff!

    I can't watch hockey - too annoying. But that doesn't mean I can't pull for a team. Hmm - as a penguin fanatic I might have to pull for Pittsburgh :)

  11. Have a wonderful week!

    The foot pedal for faucets is GENIUS!

  12. Same baseball droops for us as we painfully watched the Brewers lose. But we still have the Packers playing unbelievable football!

  13. I love to work jigsaw puzzles. husband has an obsession when he sees one on the table and ends up staying up all night to finish it. If I want to work one I have to hide it somewhere. Hope you are feeling better.

  14. Hope that muscle is on the mend! Ouch!

  15. good one,keep it up.hope you visit mine blog too

  16. Loved Dr. M's poem.

    A foot-pedals! Why not?

    Hope that muscle feels better soon.

  17. I can remember when I was little going to a place with a pool and a big changing room and the changing room had foot pedal sinks. Brilliant! I don't know why they're not everywhere, either!


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