Sunday, October 12, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

There is a recurring theme in my walk pictures this week – abandoned bits of transportation show up on four of the seven days. Plus, did you know that Halloween is coming?

Sunday, October 5th     
We had the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday. We were going to have the whole service outside, but since the temps were in the low 40s we decided to just bless the animals & then head indoors.

My daily walk. The fall colors have been muted in our neighborhood, but they’re there…

Monday, October 6th    
My daily walk. I saw a dead snake and had a yappy dog yap at me. Banner day!

Tuesday, October 7th   
My daily walk – pine needles and squished moon.

Wednesday, October 8th
My daily walk. Yes, I realize that trying to get a picture of the moon with a phone camera is silly.

Especially when you live with the Moon Man :)

Thursday, October 9th  
Our yard is getting into the act. We dressed Heather up & Dr. M added some squash to Sunny’s ensemble so she’d have some feet. Ha!

I finished another prayer shawl. I was somewhat successful in using up some yarn bits.

My daily walk – the theme is pink!

Friday, October 10th
The junkyard deer!

My daily walk. It was sprinkling a bit of rain.

Saturday, October 11th    
My daily walk. In case you can’t tell, that is a cat in the bottom left picture. It just sat and stared at me while I took multiple (bad) pictures. I wonder if it was McGonagall thinking what I goofy muggle I am.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. That cat looks like it is caught in a Star Trek transporter beam and is in the process of dematerializing...

  2. did you pick up the little blue man? and I can't tell if the bike is real or a toy.

  3. and those are great moon pics by the moon man as usual.

  4. That's one flat snake...
    I love the colorful shawl!!!!!! what a good way to use a stash up!

  5. the moon pictures are so beautiful....even your phone one!!!

  6. I love Heather's outfit. I have to get going on my walking now that we're back from vacation. You've really stuck with it. :)

  7. Your beautiful pictures are filled with the onset of Fall and winter.

  8. Sunny's shoes are perfect.
    Love your daily discoveries.

  9. the blessing of the animals, I've never seen that before. what a great thing!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...