Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Miscellaney

During this last week of October let's see if we can get this blog train back on track just a bit. I make no promises because after taking two days off work last week it's crazy busy around here. Why, I didn't have time to even look at Facebook for more than 5 minutes this morning!

So, what's going on this week...

  • We've moved my computer into the small office, which was originally going to be Dr. M's office, so I'm surrounded by bookcases filled with titles like A History of Blacks in Kentucky, and Henry Clay, Statesman for the Union, and Battle Cry of Freedom, and Those Terrible Carpetbaggers. It makes me feel quite scholarly. What? I've watched Ken Burns' Civil War so I'm sure I know most of the stuff in these books, right?
  • I actually feel pretty bad for usurping Dr. M's space. I'd like to formally announce that I'm totally willing to switch offices with him if he likes - I'll even move the equipment!
  • While I was at the dermatologist on Thursday she found a suspicious mole on my shoulder (color me amazed - a suspicious mole on a 50 year old very moley person) & took a biopsy. I'm not really concerned about it, but I have to keep a band aid on it for a week & that sucker ITCHES. Urgh. (Not the same band aid - I get a new one each day - ha!) I've taken to spending extra long in the shower just so my shoulder can be free. FREEDOM! (That seemed tasteless in light of my first bullet point.)
  • That last bullet point has too many parenthetical clauses.
  • I think I've officially run out of things to say.
OK, quitting now. What is new & interesting in your life? Can you relate it to history books as well as I just did?


  1. I wouldn't even have a blog if it depended on me doing interesting things. My life is extremely un-newsworthy so I have to rely on storytelling.

    1. You are an EXCELLENT storyteller so just keep on keeping on!

  2. I have been surrounded by history buffs and history majors my whole life. I'm convinced that when my dad is in his dotage, he'll believe he's Stonewall Jackson (who else's mother has Proud member of the DAR and the UDC on her tombstone?). I have to laugh about him being in his dotage...he's 90 now and going strong!

    1. Ha! My 80+ father is going strong, too...and my brother looks like Stonewall Jackson from the right angle ;-)

  3. I don't ever work from home (not allowed at my current job), but my husband does so occasionally. He sits on the couch, laptop on his lap, while having the TV on. I have no idea how he gets anything done, but he's actually more productive working from home than when he's at the office.

  4. history is my weak just doesn't stick. you'd think after helping my kids with all the homework over the years I'd know a little something.

    1. I was never a big history fan, but Dr. M does a good job of keeping it interesting.

  5. Why do you have to keep it covered with a bandaid? I just let mine scab over. of course, it wasn't in a place that would be touched by clothing. the only news I have is that my stitched up hole, which was healing fine so I ignored the ointment she gave me, is now red and soreish. bummer. now I've got the ointment on it. I go back tomorrow to get the stitches out.

    1. It's probably because it's under my shirt - and I'm supposed to keep Vaseline on it. Now see, you're supposed to do what the doctor orders :)

  6. :-) Fun post.
    I just came back from dermatologist with a bandaid under right eye. Waiting to hear, not worried.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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