Thursday, October 2, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Apparently my parents believed in co-sleeping. At least until I was older, because I have at least one memory of trying to get into bed with them & being totally foiled. I tried to get into my mom's side of the bed & she rolled to the edge. Then I went to my dad's side & he rolled to HIS edge. Then I tried to crawl between them from the bottom of the bed - but they rolled into each other & presented a united front of feet. So then I broke my mother's heart by giving up & lying down on the floor beside the bed. Heh.


  1. great photo and story, haha

  2. You and your dad look precious in this photo. Your mom, who I assume took the picture, must have thought so as well.

  3. So cute. My parents had that same headboard.

  4. my parents would let us get in bed with them when we were young if we were scared. I remember the last time for me. they put me in the middle and it was so hot between them I never wanted to get in bed with them again. my son though would want to get in bed with us nearly every night. I finally had enough of being woken in the middle of the night and yelled at him to get back to his bed. that was the last time for him.


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