Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grace Filled Jam

Brian Miller is stirring the jam this week & has instructed us to write a poem based on our favorite song. I like music, but often sit in silence rather than listen to it. And in my car I listen to books (music just makes me want to ram people with my car). So in thinking about what song to consider for the poetry jam I kept thinking about Amazing Grace since church music is one pretty consistent thing in my life. But I decided to wait to see what kind of music they had at my mother-in-law’s funeral first. Of course one of the hymns we sang was Amazing Grace. Did you expect anything else?


What is grace
but the thing that
makes a family?
Your father’s eyes
fill and overspill
as he gazes upon his love,
that final caress
of eyes and heart.
And I witness this
moment because
my blind eyes
were opened
that long ago night
and I accepted the
gift of unmistakable
miraculous grace -
the gift of you.

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers …Philemon 1:4

Go check out the other jammers here - I think it should be pretty interesting this week!


  1. What a wonderful tribute to that love of yours.

  2. great pome. If you get chance you should check out The Blind Boys Of Alabama, who recorded Amazing Grace to the tune of House Of The Rising Sun

  3. smiles. i love that song...and love the tenderness of surrender in your poem...i want the Flatfoot 56 version played at my funeral...a little punk rock & bagpipes to set the tone...smiles.

  4. And once again, your gift with words fills my heart.

  5. This is beautiful, Bug. I love Amazing Grace, as well. I like how you incorporated, "was blind, but now I see" into your piece.

  6. what would we be without grace and how could we live without it..? tender and warm write and the song is as timeless as the topic is..

  7. I simply cannot sing 'Amazing Grace' without crying ... it was one of my mother's favorites. That and 'In The Garden' ... your poem is lovely and full of grace.

  8. I, too, love this wonderful hymn and your tribute to it, to grace, to love, and to family.

  9. God, there's precious little grace in our family, amazing or otherwise.Lovely tribute to the living and the dead.

  10. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.

  11. Lovely, again.

    Just watched "Amazing Grace" via Netflix the other week. If you haven't seen it, do. Have a box of tissues with you.

  12. A beautiful poem to go with one of my favorite songs!

  13. Bug, this is lovely. Amazing Grace is truly beautiful and your poem is very touching.

  14. Your words are filled with wisdom.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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