Saturday, June 11, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Four

I’d like to say thanks to everyone who commented on Thursday’s post. I have to say that Friday was the best day I’ve had in a while – I got a lot of work done, I had energy, I finally reviewed my surgery packet & allayed some of my fears. I think I’m ready for surgery now, whereas before I kept thinking about canceling it. I felt so good after pouring out my heart & getting all that feedback that I thought maybe I could benefit from therapy. But, you know, blogging is free & it seemed to be pretty effective. So the next time I need some mental help I’m just going to come back to you guys!

Sunday, June 5th
Dr. M & I had a great time touring the Adena Mansion & Gardens. Go here to see more pictures (including sheep & a camel!), but here are a couple not on that post. I had forgotten to show interior pictures of the upstairs of the great barn we saw. It’s a pretty fabulous barn.

And here’s the State of the Bug – happy to be sitting down! As I mentioned in my other post, those are not white stockings on my legs. Those are my actual neon white legs. Sigh.

Monday, June 6th
I decided to dress up one of Dr. M’s sheep for the possibility of rain.

Here’s our patriotic hanging basket – it just keeps getting prettier and prettier.

 Tuesday, June 7th  
The Tax Time Pig. There really is some gender confusion here. In case you can’t tell, that’s a bikini top & a tutu. Yeah. The false eyelashes just slay me.

Dr. M took this picture of a woodpecker – looks to me like it’s gotten its beak stuck in that nut block. Silly bird!

The moon!

Wednesday, June 8th
On this day I posted a poem about Dr. M’s mom. But even though I was sad, I came home & saw that Dr. M had taken this picture of the petunias at the entrance to his school – in the school colors of course. Made me smile.

Gorgeous sunset!

Thursday, June 9th     
On Thursday I posted something wondering if I have some depression going on. And then I came home & took some pictures of flowers (or potential flowers) in our yard. We’re gonna have lilies soon!

I love this vine.

The weekly squirrel. It looks like it’s saying, “Please sir, can I have some more?” But Dr. M is waiting on the “I’m all right” soundtrack to start.

Friday, June 10th
Today I had a great day at work. I worked hard, I felt alert, I had energy. It was great! And then I came home & saw these great pictures that Dr. M took of a temporary marshy area by the road – from all the rain. Herons!

Here’s a close-up of the one on the right.

An egret.

Saturday, June 11th
Dr. M found another toad in front of our house. This one is darker than the one a couple of weeks ago.

We decided to go on another ramble. We had a Subway picnic (my favorite part of eating Subway is Sunchips – oh & it’s cheap) & then explored a short trail with a waterfall.

Love this little mini fall beside the big one – looks like a grotto to me.

I’m thinking, “OK, let’s head back to the car now. I shouldn’t have worn flip flops & I’m thirsty!”

Then we drove around awhile looking for a mythical covered bridge Dr. M remembered seeing. And then we actually found a covered bridge! It was a good day.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. You have such lovely interesting things around you - the barn, the lovely waterfall, the covered bridge.

    I can't BELIEVE your legs! They're as white as mine!

    Glad you're feeling more positive about your surgery. We're all rooting for ya!

  2. Beautiful pictures with the waterfall and the bridge.

    And I feel ya on the legs. Now that it's summer and I'm wearing shorts to workout (or die otherwise), I keep looking down at my legs and wondering whose they are!

  3. Yep, my legs are white too. Too much rain and too cool of weather has not given me much of a chance to be in shorts this year.

    Beautiful pictures of the moon and sunset.

  4. I love Sunchips at Subway too! Love that photo of you looking over your shoulder... so cute. :c) Glad the week got better. Hugs ya!

  5. ok, I have to the tax time pig owners know you take it's picture?!!! love the earrings!

    I missed your post on Thursday, but wanted to tell you that what helps me focus on God and my prayers is journaling them. I write them out in a notebook...I stay focused and seem to hear His voice better. praying for you and your up coming surgery!

    we found a frog in our pool skimmer this week!

  6. love all of your nature & flower pictures. I have never seen a frog that dark,neat. Have a great week

  7. I just love all the little trips you take, and your obvious delight in nature. And we all love you, neon legs and all!

  8. Love your flower pics this week. Your legs - how funny are you?!?!?!

  9. beautiful photos!
    I am LOVING all of your barn, flowers, and the covered bridge. Just lovely.

    The purple flowers on the vine? Do you have any idea what that is? We have that vine growing here as well & I just photographed it. No clue. LOL

  10. your pics always capture my pretty!

  11. Love the perception of the barn and bridge pictures...great shots. And love your hanging baskets...when I lived in MI I would buy 3 every year to hang off of my porch, but living here in AZ they die to fast with the heat..sigh..oh well! And tax time pig makes me laugh

  12. It's the same toad -- he's just gotten a tan! LOL

    Love the pig, love the herons and the flowers.

    Love the fact that Dr. M's legs are as white as yours in the last photo. Must be something in the air around you two! And love how he's holding up the side of that bridge. Good thing, right?

    Have a great week!

  13. For some reason I haven't been able to post a comment on your blog and two others.

    Anyway, you've been in my thoughts and I'm glad you are on the upswing and feel more positive about the surgery.

    I saw this on one of our little country churches. "God loves you whether you like it or not!"

  14. That WA-TER-FALL!! Gorgeous!! As always, I'm wishing I lived where YOU do. Beautiful scenes everywhere.

    I'm sorry about the depression, or the possibility of it. I have struggled with it off and on. It's a bear. For me, the key is sleep and water. Two things I often don't get enough of.

  15. i keep hearing about covered bridges, would love to see one.

    Great photos - especially the moon photo

  16. I dont see a covered bridge & not think of "Bridges of Madison County"

    Look at how dark that toad is!

  17. You have such a photographic eye. I love looking at your pictures every week. Your flowers and birds, the pig, the squirrell delight me each time.

  18. Totally loving that moon picture. Great job! Also, that tax time pig is a crack up. Love seeing the outfits.

  19. love these pix! a covered bridge to boot! how fun.

    although... i have a thing about driving over bridges. this one would make me hold my breath for sure! eeek!

    neon legs. *giggle* you crack me up.

  20. Lovely photos. Loved the frog, the falls, the moon and that crazy pig. LOL

  21. Luuuurve the barn! I want one just like it :) Of course I have no desire to farm or have animals, I just want the pretty barn.

    Must be least our white legs would indicate a familial relationship :)

    Lovely photos of the outdoors... *sigh* -- so much beauty in the world, so little time to enjoy it.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...