Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Well, this has been quite the week. Let’s see where my areas of thankfulness are.

·         I’m thankful that my mother-in-law’s funeral went pretty well. She was a big gospel fan, so her sister had picked out a song from her favorite group to be played over the sound system. Frances’ father was a minister named Ernest & part of the lyrics talked about “my earnest prayer.” I had to smile – I guess I’m strange like that.

·         I was thrilled to have some of my family represented at the funeral – three aunts, daddy & Amy, and a cousin.

·         I’m not always about the food (ok, maybe I am always about the food), but I’m so thankful to whoever made the chicken & dumplings for the meal after the service. And that chocolate cake with the Hershey bars.

·         Dr. M & I really enjoyed the Daddy & Amy B&B – the beds are comfy, there’s free wifi, and the food is great!

·         On our way home yesterday we took a detour to Roan Mountain. Love those blowsy, fluffy, over the top rhododendrons!

So, what are you thankful for today?


  1. I am thankful for my beautiful wife.

  2. the rhodies are beautiful. too hot down here for them though.

    I'm thankful my sister's ordeal of selling and buying houses is over.

  3. Always, for you. Thankful as well for a beautiful day here, if a tad warm. Thankful for the fresh fruit on my breakfast plate, prepared by hubby, and thankful that I have a new job to go to tomorrow. Yay!

  4. the photos. I am thankful for many things. I really should join in this meme.

  5. Gorgeous Rhodies!

    This morning, as I awakened early and cold, I was thankful for the big nosed beastie boy, Leo, who snuggled close like a big warm blanket. As soon as he got close enough, he let out a big sigh, and fell promptly asleep with his head in my lap. I think he was letting me know he was thankful for me,too.

  6. I am thankful for you, too, Bug.

    The flowers are beautiful and I'm proud of you for not letting the hip keep you from stopping to smell the flowers.

    If you find out more about that Hershey Bar Cake, I'd be REAL thankful for the inside track on that one!

    Blessings upon your weekend!

    Oh yes, I'm thankful for my kids who went caching with me this afternoon and my friend Kayo who did this morning. Good stuff.

  7. Now you've gone and sent me looking for a chocolate cake with the Hershey bars recipe. You should find out who make that cake and get the recipe for your loyal viewers. :)

    I'm thankful for my husband, son, daughter-in-law, grandkids and best friend. What more does anyone need... oh, and feeling healthy, a roof over my head and plenty to drink and eat. And your blog that reminded me to think of all these things!!


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