Friday, June 3, 2011

Shy Jam

I'm the cooker this week & I must say that I was uninspired by my own prompt - swimming. You may check it out here. However, I managed to write something about which I have a lot of experience. Sometimes being a grown-up means you have to do things that you'd really rather not do. Although there are a lot of people who would be astounded that I used to be shy. I guess sometimes we do grow up!

The Bug, 2004

In her mind she is a river otter
All grace and fur and deep brown eyes
She dips her toe into that chattering stream
Pulls it back with a diffident sigh
It’s cold and menacing and three miles high

Over her head and out of her league
clichés crowd the room in groups of three
Retracing her steps to the flower filled wall
She lowers her eyes and watches her feet
They’re cold and trembling and three miles deep

Two cleansing breaths lift her feet from the mire
Watching the current she gauges her stride
And wades right in with a resolute smile
She lets the otter be her ebullient guide
And cuts a swath through the room three miles wide

Go here to check out other poems about swimming.


  1. I love every line of this one, Dana! Have ventured in those same waters often myself. Thank you for illustrating this feeling so vividly.

  2. What a great job you did!! I love the picture your face says it all.

    I want to be an otter too!!

  3. I really, really like this poem!

  4. You make a very cute otter. Very.

  5. Dana, your poem is a thing of beauty.

  6. This appeals on so many levels! I love otters!

  7. Dear The Bug,
    Oh yes! I love this poem. That deep breath before leaving the wallflower wall!


    Ann T.

  8. How we are in our hopeful minds and how we appear in truth are so difficult to reconcile;-)

  9. The rhythm is lovely, almost like a relaxing swim. Very nice

  10. I love the otter connection. Otters are among my favorites, when it comes to animals. They seem to have such fun in life.

  11. Look at you, rhyming away like a pro! A wonderful poem and statement about overcoming shyness to accomplish something we fear doing. Thumbs up!

  12. I could stand for hours watching the otters in the St. Louis Zoo ... the display is immense and the little critters fascinating. Nice Jammy poem!

  13. very nice bug, really well constructed and i love the message as well, thanks for being an inspiration and for driving this week...finally got my jam up this AM

  14. I love the symmetry and rhythm of this. Delightful construction. One of your best.

  15. Yes, the symmetry of this is great, with the last line hitting just the right note. And such a great take on swimming. I have usually drowned in social settings.

  16. Love, love, love it!! Love otters ~ love water ~ love anything in threes.

    I played this week for the first time. Hope you'll stop by: Free Fall.

  17. Otters are the best. Love your swath three miles wide!
    Me too I was shy, still am, and nobody would ever guess.

  18. A lovely piece. I really loved the photo, exquisite.


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