Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Project 365 - Week 1

Well, this has been QUITE a week! The return of the cardinals, our first real snow, and a trip to Chicago! In fact we’re still in Chicago today – travelling home tomorrow. As you might expect, we have a ton of pictures. I didn’t include all 100 that we took at the Art Institute, but it might feel that way by the time you get to the end. Ha!

Sunday, January 1st       
I baked bread to take to church. It was a Butter Braid (Bavarian Cream flavor) that I bought from my niece for a fundraiser, so all I had to do was let it thaw & rise & then bake it. It was pretty yummy.

After church Dr. M & I went on a short ramble. We needed to bring the new year in properly – with sheep. Heh.

Dr. M took a picture of the moon that night.

Monday, January 2nd  
We woke up to snow on the ground!

I took a picture of my footprints out to the garage. I had the day off and as I recall this is the only time I left the house that day.

Tuesday, January 3rd
I had to work today, so Dr. M took these pictures of birds in the back yard. Can you spot the hawk?

Wednesday, January 4th
We drove to Chicago today. But before we left, Dr. M got these great cardinal pictures.

The view from our hotel room

Thursday, January 5th       
Today we drove down to the Art Institute. Before we left Dr. M took another skyline picture.

And then we checked out Millennium Park. Here I am in front of the bean. Did someone say it would be cold in Chicago? I’ve been hot the whole time!

Here is a small sampling of the pictures we took at the Art Institute. I was so glad that we met a couple of our good friends there – I would never have taken the time to see as much as we did without their eagerness.

Would you believe that this is called Penguins? Ha!

Friday, January 6th
Dr. M’s panel was today. Here’s a picture of him looking all professorial.

Close-up of his tie. Yes, those are sheep. And one little black one.

Cool picture of a crane reflected in a tower.

Me, trying to cool off.

Dr. M’s group setting up for their talk. They all did a great job – lots of excellent feedback from the audience. In fact, as someone said, it was like a big group therapy session for history professors. I enjoyed it a great deal.

Afterward we went to Gino’s for pizza.

The State of the Bug – I’m hungry!

Yum – pizza!

Saturday, January 7th
Today we decided to drive around Lake Shore Drive. Gorgeous day! And, look Rebecca – I couldn’t jog a block for you, but I did have Dr. M take a picture of a jogger. Heh.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. you just made me so sad..I miss chicago and chicago pizza!!!!! although I prefer giordanos!!

  2. I love Chicago, too. I'm so glad you enjoyed your first trip there.

  3. Love the pictures of the Chicago Art Institute, made me feel like I was in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but that picture if the birds with the hawk was really incredible.

  4. Happy New Year!
    Love that moon picture... and that pizza is making my mouth water!

  5. First off....your hair has gotten so long!!
    I love the chocolate colored sheep. Please tell me, they are not just dirty!
    Great tie too.
    Always love your bird shots!
    Have a great week!

  6. The bread made me sooo hungry.
    Your state does not look as much hungry as 'sly' ;)
    Wonderful photos!
    Wish we'd had time for the Art Museum when we were there last April.

  7. As always....awesome pictures. I am so sorry about the snow. It was cold here this week...but no snow. Chicago pizza is one of my favorites. Glad you enjoyed your trip there. The bread was amazing ...I ordered some too and it was delish. Loved seeing all the pretty red birds. My favorite of your Chicago pics was the reflection of the building off the building. I love those kinds of shots.

  8. The Art Institute looks fun! It has been several years since I've been to Chicago, and I never had a chance to go...

  9. Chicago is such a great city to visit. It's been remarkably warm, but I'm sure that made your trip so much better.

    I adore the sheep tie. Love. It!

  10. man, I can't believe there's no snow. everyone seems to be having a mild winter this year.

  11. I loved the bird pictures & the crane reflection in Chicago. I have only been to Chicago airport, need to visit that city someday.

  12. What a great start to 2012...snow and a trip! I LOVE Chi town although it's been a while since I have been there. Loving all of the skyline pics and art pics! And of course loving the brightness of these beautiful cardinals!

  13. Cardinals remind me of my Grandpa! They were his favorites!

    Awesome museum! Picasso! Way Cool!

    Never been to Chicago, the hubs has been a few times on business!

    Great week!

  14. Wow, wow, wow! What a great set of photographs, I felt like I had been on a trip. Happy New Year indeed!

  15. Oh, it looks like you had a lot of fun in Chicago. I have to say, the cardinal in the snow was my favorite.

  16. your photos of the city are great - love the tall towers and the building the shape of a bagel

  17. Looks like you had a fun trip! I've been to Chicago a couple of times and have enjoyed it.
    You always have such great photos, too.

  18. Awesome vacation pics! Welcome home.

  19. HAHA!!! That made me laugh... I'd love to do that run in Chicago! Especially with it being so WARM!!! What the heck!??!?!!

    Thanks for the pic :)

    And BTW - I love the one black sheep tie... I need that for my black sheep husband :)

  20. Well! What wonderful photos! That was a fun week!

  21. ha! I love dr m's tie; very appropriate.
    beautiful birds, and what a great shot of the moon!! well done! glad you enjoyed your trip!!

  22. Omgosh! i love Chicago. It is one of my favorite cities to visit. Love the moon shot and yum to the baked bread. That is on my bucket make my own bread one of these days. Yum.

  23. I would love to visit Chicago one day. Looks like y'all had a great time!

  24. oh man that pizza ... wow. NOTHING in the world like real Chicago pizza. YUM! And that shot of the moon? AMAZING! Great pics!

  25. So glad you got to the Art Institute! I too have enjoyed my trips there most when they included friends.

    That pizza looks SO YUMMY! I'm going to have to try my hand at deep dish again.

    Loved the outdoor shots, as always. You guys rock the camera!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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