Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You Can't Come Home Again

I had the dream again.
My great joy.
Your infinite sadness.
It was Joyce Summers
come home to Altamont:
Not really you.
Not really here.

I always wish for the moon
when I meet you in dreams
and you always hand it to me
craters and all.


  1. I love the second part in particular, as that speaks of my relationship with "Mary" my mum and of how I loved her yet always felt that there was a "crater" in the moon she handed me!Great post Dana.

  2. 'craters and all' - such a poignant line, a great poem, Dana:)

  3. Beautiful writing, that's such a great final line. Bravo.

  4. Lovely. So much emotion packed into so few words.

  5. Thanks guys - sometimes my Mom dreams are very bittersweet...

  6. Somehow I just knew it was a Mom dream. How blessed you are to have seen her again. I'm still waiting for mine to visit me while I slumber.

  7. My mom dreams are too. Loved the piece. You have a beautiful heart!

  8. Oh, the last stanza. Poignant and wistful and yet, very compelling.

  9. yep absolutely, the last stanza! wow. I'm sorry about your mom :( Such a beautiful, gentle poem though.

  10. Lovely dreamy post Dana.
    You're beautiful, inside and out.

  11. Love this joy! And the imagery of that last stanza.

  12. A touching poem, AND with a Buffy reference! You can't get more perfect than that.

  13. I know, right? She slipped that Buffy reference right by me, served up as it was with the Thomas Wolfe theme.

  14. is it just me or do your poems keep getting better and better? Love the ending again here


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