Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Two

It’s been really nice to be HOME for a change this week – I think we’re just about settled into our spring semester schedule.
Sunday, January 8th    
Today we drove home from Chicago. We meandered through Indiana (coming very close to Rita, but I didn’t realize it at the time). I was so excited to see Cadbury eggs. I had thought maybe they were left over from last Easter, but actually one of the ones I ate was really fresh, so I guess they’re early. Heaven help me!

I liked how the sky looked.

Monday, January 9th
Dr. M ordered the Thin Man movies – we’ve watched two of them – only five more to go!

He took a picture of the glorious moon that evening.

Tuesday, January 10th
Dr. M took these really cool shadow pics in the back yard.

This is what greeted me when I got home that evening. He had taken down the outside Christmas decorations, but this is as far as they got. I think that Ill Penguin doesn’t look as grouchy as usual!

Wednesday, January 11th
I took this picture on the way home from work. I love a moody sky.

Thursday, January 12th
The Tax Time Pig is apparently ready to go to Disney World.

It started snowing in the afternoon – Dr. M took these pictures.

Friday, January 13th  
Yep, our mild weather is definitely gone for now – brr!

Dr. M took this on his way home from school.


Saturday, January 14th   
We got more snow overnight. The swimming pool is closed for the season.

Fortunately the dining room remains open.

The Mr. is making sure that the Mrs. isn’t flirting with the other birds.

This is the State of the Bug – excited that we’re getting ready to eat Sonic, while also thinking that maybe we’re crazy to eat in our car in 30 degree weather.

I got some new gloves! They look like mittens.

But look! I’ve been wanting something like this because I’m always taking my gloves off in the car (to turn on my audio book, eat my breakfast, etc.). When I saw Betsy’s post about her new ones I decided I would go ahead & get some for myself. (On clearance at Target for those who are interested).

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. I always look forward to your weeks in review. I have never been to Sonics, but we have one here...and I LOVE hot dogs!

  2. I enjoy Sonic, but K doesn't, so it's a "lunch alone" destination for me. Her loss.

    I'd sure like to have some of that snow here, just for a change of scenery. Stay warm. :)


  3. Those gloves are ingenious! I like the bird-shadow pictures, too...

  4. Loved the gloves. Loved the Tax time pig. Loved the snow shots....but my favorites (besides the birds and moon) were the shadow shots. That gave me an idea of something to look for. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the "Tin Man" movies! Enjoy.

  6. The fingerless glove/mitten combo is ingenious. I buy a pair every year, but one of these days, I think I'll make my own. Knock wood, because I leave them on, I've yet to lose this year's pair. have got some beautiful nails!

  7. loved the shadows :) I'll swap you some creme eggs for some snow.

  8. Love the shadow picutres and those gloves.

    Did I ever tell you I lived in KY for 6 yrs Florence? Use to head to Cincinnati a lot.

  9. Loving the mitt-gloves! No snow here as yet.

  10. Loving the mitt-gloves! No snow here as yet.

  11. Brrrrrrr! We have the colder temps but so we usually don't get much snow down south!

    As always I love your bird shots. Love the feathered friend activity!

    The pig makes me smile every time! Let's all go to Disney....


  12. Hey, I just added you to my "blogroll" of sorts over at the Dept. Sorry it took so long. Truly, I thought I had done it eons ago.

  13. You found a Cadberry already? That is crazy!!

    I think your place must be one of the happiest places on earth for birds.

    I love your hat in your Sonic pic. So very fun!!

    Have a super week!!

  14. So how long did it take to get home from Gas City, do you remember?
    The Sonic in Marion closed after a year :(
    My favorite the penguin banner in the snow scene.
    Hope to meet you in person sometime, but funny how much we know about one another already :)

  15. Sonic ... love!
    That sky was BEAUTIFUL! And yes, winter has arrived here too.

  16. wow - you've had a proper frost there, haven't you? Tax Time pig looks good :)

  17. Still never ate at Sonic... sad, I know.

    But Cadbury eggs? I've already eaten a minimum of 20 this year... that's much sadder!

  18. I love minnie the pig!!! The shadow picture was great!! Okay, what do you use to get such great moon pics? I just can't get mine to turn out that good.

  19. Oh...I love me some Cadbury eggs...YuM! Cool mitten/glove thingies...liking the pattern! And your hat is so stinkin' cute! We love sonic much fun to eat in your car! COLD in your neck of the woods...our house gets to 65* and Im freezing! Have a good week!

  20. your pics are always to great...
    love your mittens
    love the bird feeder shadows


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