Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Four

Man what a dreary bluh week – I really wanted to spend the whole week wrapped up in soft blankets reading a book. But of course I didn’t - & neither did Dr. M, so we do have a few pictures for you.

Sunday, January 22nd    
Dr. M took bunches of pictures of squirrels this week. I’m just sharing this one today – you have to go to his blog to see the rest. Go! Now! Then you can come back to see the rest of our week.

Monday, January 23rd
This is what our sky looked like most of the week.

My first unsuccessful attempt to show you my new hair. I’m still trying to get the hang of the new camera.

Tuesday, January 24th
Ah, here we go – this is a little better. The State of the Bug – back to her original hair color (as she recalls).

Wednesday, January 25th
Even the Tax Time Pig had a devil of a week! (Groan…)

Thursday, January 26th
Although the skies have been gray & rainy, it’s been a lot warmer than usual. Here’s some confused parsley.

Dr. M’s lunch – very appropriate for the weather!

Friday, January 27th  
Dr. M took a lot of pictures on his way home from school. Here is my favorite flock of geese. I love how motley they are.

This is not actually a wetland – it’s just a field overcome by wet.

Up periscope!

I stopped & took a picture of my favorite tree on my way home from work. I like the view from the other side of the tree better, but I didn’t feel like walking up the road (I had to park beyond it to stop the car).

This was waiting on my desk when I got home – thanks sweetie!

Saturday, January 28th  
Although it was cool & windy, today was just too pretty to stay inside – finally! See?

The water is still pretty high.

This Great Pyrenees was giving us the eye – wanted to make sure we didn’t bother his sheep.

These aren’t his sheep, but we didn’t bother them anyway. I love how they get hay all over themselves – very funny.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. Oh, sure, it's funny to see the inconsiderate sheep get hay all over themselves until you have to pick it all out to make wool. The hay and, ahem, other things we spinners pull out of the fiber is what we call, vegetable matter. It's really too bad they can't learn to shower before they are fleeced.

  2. I love these week-in-review posts! Oh, and I am so glad you are back to brunette. I was a little worried after The Linthead's magpie poem. :)

  3. love your new (or back to old) color! it looks great!

    kind of a weird time for the pig to be dressed like a

  4. hang on, hang on - you never mentioned that Tax Time Pig had an accomplice!!!

    who's the duck in the bonnet behind? Is that his Superhero Side Kick?

    Liking the hair colour as well :)

  5. Love the up periscope.

    Great week as always!

    Soup and sandwich....yum!


  6. Love those york peppermints...and the pig was darling this week. Soup and sandwich looked yummy too....loved the birds and squirrels...but they always make me want to try harder to get a shot of my own. I am contemplating putting in a feeder outside my kitchen window.

  7. Strange that they weather was so different. We had one rainy day, but the rest was pretty good.

    You look so pretty!

  8. I'm ready for prettier skies, too! Your hair looks great.

  9. Dr M's lunch is making me hungry - it looks yummy.

    We have a bunch of geese that hang around doing casual security work at our business park. They stop the cars and demand to see everyone's papers, but they're easily bought off with a stale sandwhich.

  10. That color looks good on you. Do you have some natural red in your hair. It looks like what my natural color used to look like...many years ago. Enjoyed all the photos...especially the dog guarding the sheep. And the soup...and all of them...

  11. I loved the "Up Periscope" pic & comment, great one.

  12. Can't remember your original hair color? :) I really like the rich brown (with a hint of red?) that it looks in the photos. Mine is getting more and more gray as I leave it "au natural". I don't mind it much, because it seems to be graying equally and not in splotches (which is what I feared). I quit trying to keep it dyed because finding the kind of product I like is just impossible -- most of the stuff for sale here is just too scary to use! One store used to carry Loréal but now nobody has it.

    We could go for some overcast days -- it's been completely cloudless and intensely sunny and HOT. But then again, the brilliant blue sky is one of the things I love about living here :)

    Cracked up with your "Up periscope!" photo :) And that is one funky looking tree!

    I adore York patties. YUM! Eat one on my behalf, okay?

    Have a great week!

  13. That squirrel is too funny. Loving your hair color...very nice. And that pig makes me laugh every time you post...but why a devil now? at the end of Jan? just wondering!

  14. lovin' the new hair style! ;)

    york hearts? who knew? hubs laughs at me because i don't eat mint with chocolate. if he wants ice cream all to himself, he knows which flavor to order. ha!!

  15. York peppermint patties... yummy!
    That is a cool looking tree!

  16. York patties are in my top 5 favorite foods :)

    You look so beautiful in that pictures on the 24th.

    My tulips & a few other flowers are starting to push through... I'm trying to save them but its been so warm here too that i'm thinking they'll be fully bloomed around Valentines day :)

  17. I must be hungry and all I can focus on are the soup, sandwich & peppermint patties. YUM!

  18. Love the skies and the favorite tree.
    Your hair photo is so cute.
    Where do you guys live that you have sooooo many sheep and other nature photo opportunities???

  19. Okay. I went. And...GAH! Y'all have got to have the most frolicky squirrels ever! Maybe I just miss all the fun in our yard. That's what I get for being a homebody with her nose stuck in a book and entirely-too-white skin. :)

    Love the geese!!

  20. YOu always have so many comments. Yum to the lunch and the peppermint patties. Oh my what a sweetie you have.. I like the hair. Tax time pig and I both had a devil of a week. I can relate for sure.
    Have a great weekend


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