Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's too bad I don't like wine...

You may have noticed that January & I have a tenuous relationship. I hunker down and plow through. Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see!

I’m fine at work. In fact this week I’ve been extra productive (very odd – really), but once I walk through the door at home I just wilt. I spend hours playing Words with Friends and working my other online puzzles. I pack my lunch with a grudging heart. I lay out my clothes for the next day and sigh. I wash the dinner dishes every other day.

I wonder, though, if it’s really January that’s the problem. Perhaps I have some internal changes going on that are affecting my energy level (ok ok I know I’ve never been all that high energy, but come on!). Hmm – can I blame my inherent sloth on peri-menopause? I think I can!

Regardless of all that, I did vacuum & mop tonight, so perhaps things are looking up in the Bug household. Tomorrow, I dust!

These sheep are beginning to wonder if it snowed in the living room!


  1. From what I've heard, January "up north" is not exactly a pleasant experience. Maybe you just need to "winter over" a bit further south where the weather is a bit more hospitable. Yeah, let's go with that. ;)


  2. Lovely! I think a lot of people are more sluggish in low light and cold weather. Actually, perhaps we could introduce human hibernation? Or you're part-bear?

    Talking of which, the pink sheep looks, er, just a little part-pig. I absolutely love the other one.

    Dusting. One word. Why?

  3. S - that's an idea - maybe I'll move in with my dad in NC for the winter :)

    Titus - I totally think I could hibernate - I spend a LOT of time wanting to sleep this time of year. The pink sheep was specially commissioned from Jinksy (perhaps you've seen her around the interwebs). He looks a lot more sheeplike from the other angle :)

  4. Titus: the other one is one of my very favorite sheep, and I have a few. It is made from recycled wool. I call it Joseph, after the coat of many colors. Love that sheep...but I do love the one Jinksy did for us, too, very, very much :-)

  5. January is the month to make like a caterpillar: build a cocoon and stay there until Spring. You have the rest of the year to be a butterfly.

  6. I agree...I think January is just one of those months. I am glad to hear you are trudging through and blogging often!!

    I play Words With Friends too...if you want another person to keep you from dusting just holler!!

  7. Guilty as charged! If we weren't so obsessed with Words with Friends, maybe we'd both get something done!

    Here, where it's dark by 6:00 in winter, the melatonin gets all confused. No wonder you're bearlike!

    My theory of weekday housework is this: pick it up if you put it down, put it back if you got it out, close the door if you opened it, hang it up if you wore it, clean it up if you messed it. Weekends are for the big stuff. Now, if I could only convince Mr. Man!

  8. January is totally depressing. Coming off the "high" of all the holidays... its gloomy... cold... nothing exciting happening... its just BLAH...

    feeling better yet? :) haha!

  9. Sometimes I think January is something we just have to endure. It is a long month. Love the sheep!

  10. January has got me feeling exactly the same, and my dust snowstorm looks like a blizzard compared to yours! LOL ♥

  11. Let me introduce you to a nice wine that I know you'd love! We can chat about our mutual loathing of dusting, our kinship with farm animals (you know how I adore cows!), and I can try really, really hard to get you to take down your Christmas decorations before the end of January. Hee hee!

  12. January just brings out the inner sloth in every body!

  13. And I have come down with a severe case of sheep envy!

  14. Thanks all!

    Nance - I MIGHT take down the Charlie Brown Christmas tree soon - but I might instead take the Christmas ornament off of it & replace it with a VALENTINE ornament. Won't that be special?

  15. If I'd only known what to blame it on back then. Full blown here, might even be encroaching on crone territory.

  16. I remember Wisconsin January, and February, and most of March. Maybe you need to get a SAD light. I love the sheep.

  17. We tend to find a long TV series to watch in January. Something really addictive or funny (Sopranos one year, the Wire another, lots of Big Bang Theory this). It's not exactly adventurous but it brightens the evenings after dull days and it keeps emotions lively!

  18. Oh, gosh. I wonder if it's because I live at latitude 29? I love January - it's close to my favorite month. New year, new projects, resolutions, change, all of that. I'm just frustrated that it's going so quickly, and is going to be gone before I get my new routines established. What can I say? I'm weird.

    Your title reminds me of an old, old joke. "What's the favorite w(h)ine in New York?" "I wanna go to Miami!"

  19. I struggle with January I feel your pain. I have no energy in January....and I LIVE in the south.

  20. I think most people have a tenuous relationship with January. Except maybe Floridians.

    Cute sheep!


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