Friday, January 27, 2012

Flailing at the Fog...

Oh man I am just so uninspired! I started trying to work on this project, but after my eyes crossed for the 7th time I decided to put it on hold for a bit. But because my last post was three days ago and I don't want to keep looking at my sad thoughts about my mother, I give you this (the first three "fun facts" from the aforementioned project):
  1. I’ve been singing The Star Spangled Banner in the car in the mornings in my ongoing effort to sing more often. Don’t worry about me hitting the high note – I’m singing it down in the Phyllis Diller range so there is no high note. 
  2. I always sing the last line: “…and the home of the Bravesss!”
  3. Pitchers & catchers report February 20th!


  1. and the home of the bravesss! i love it! haha.

  2. Yes! FOG! GRAY! LACK of inspiration! I hear ya girl! May the weekend bring energy and creativity your way!!! THAT is your pep talk! :)

  3. You're brave to attempt singing The Star Spangled Banner even if you are alone in your car! It's a hard song to sing.

  4. Yeah, I was going to say, of all the songs to practice with, you sure chose a hard one!

    Lovely poem in your previous post, BTW.

  5. Baseball is very much in the news here as Detroit scored royalty in the form of Prince Fielder. If he's anything like his father, Cecil, and he should be for a 9 year/$210 million dollar contract, we're in for some great games this year. I would even consider buying tickets for several games to watch it all evolve.

    Look for me there... I'll be the gray haired lady knitting in the stands.

  6. Oh! I haven't been paying attention. There IS something to live for. Baseball season!

  7. There can never be too much singing!

  8. My husband just reminded me last night that we are half way through winter. Yeah!! s


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