Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Miscellany

Four short days in a time zone only one hour different from my own, and my internal clock is kaput. Well, it was never very reliable in the best of times – for example, there’s no alarm at all. But last night I tossed & turned & this morning I did not want to get up. However, I did manage to get to work on time – I can’t stand not knowing what’s going on so I always look forward to my first day back. I just wish it started around noon instead of 8:30.

I really did enjoy our time in Chicago – and now I’d like to plan a trip back to check out all the stuff we missed this time. Dr. M had memorized the map of the area around our hotel so we didn’t have any trouble getting around (yes, he is one of those people, whereas I instinctively head in the wrong direction about 85% of the time). I just need to get in better physical shape so I can do more walking. But not down that Miraculous Shopping Mecca Mile or whatever it’s called – sure it’s all shiny & pretty, but I don’t like to shop. I didn’t mind looking in the windows, but that’s as far as I was going to go.

We drove home yesterday, meandering through Indiana. It was a nice way to get back into my farm country groove. Plus, the convenience store where we got gas had Cadbury Eggs – score! I know they’re left over from last Easter, but still…

Lastly, look what Dr. M found! If you don’t hear from me for a while you’ll know why – ha!

Well, here’s hoping that last night’s restlessness translates into lots of beauty sleep tonight – heaven knows I need it!

P.S. I promise to get caught up on my blog reading soon!


  1. I love the Thin Man! My favorite is After the Thin Man.

  2. With a face like yours brimming with confidence and allure, you don't need much beauty rest.

  3. Cadbury eggs left over from last Easter? How long is their shelf life? Glad to hear you had fun, and made it back home safely. ;)


  4. I bet the Cadbury's eggs are early ones for this Easter, not left over ones at all! LOL

  5. Glad you're home. Glad you "enjoyed" Chicago. There is lots more there for you to see on your next visit.

  6. Sounds like a great trip! I don't like to shop either, but window shopping can be fun -- especially along a street with great scenery like the Miracle Mile. I especially love all the amazing architecture in Chicago. And those Thin Man movies will be terrific -- jealous!

  7. Now I want a Cadbury's egg:) Glad you enjoyed your city break, happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. you know, when I get behind, I don't even try to catch up, I just jump back in and go forward.

  9. Your last few posts have had amazing pictures in them. Glad to seem Cadbury's Creme Eggs have got over to the US. Our shops will soon be filling up with them again.

  10. The Cadbury is the only egg I like. I bet it would be exquisite with a side of bacon. Bacon and chocolate go well together. Imagine that.

  11. ah... fun trip! not much of a shopper here, either. sounds too much like a workout. ha! don't know that i've tried a cadbury egg. is that sad? ;)

  12. My son uses Cadbury eggs to mark the season. Peppermint mocha marks winter, Cadbury eggs mark spring, mojito marks summer, and pumpkin pie latte for fall. Thank goodness he runs!

  13. My husband is the map/direction person in our relationship. I get lost at the drop of a hat. I worry that I'll get permanently lost one day. :) I just see myself wandering around forever.

    I love Stephen's comment and am in complete agreement.

  14. Ha! The map reading is exactly me and Shaun, although I'm closer to 95% of the time heading in the wrong direction.

    The theory I've developed (and lived by) over the years is the every road (and sidewalk) lead to another...eventually you'll get back to where you need to be. That "eventually" has been made considerably shorter for me by the invention of GPS. :)

  15. Wandering through Indiana is one of our favorite things to do too :) Have you ever made it to Shipshewana? If you go, be sure to check out the Mennonite museum. Especially the tornado room! Plus there's all the good, old-fashioned (and mostly homemade) Amish food.

    And Winona Lake has an amazing restaurant (Cerulean's) where our daughter worked while in college. Being a foodie, she made great tips because she'd get people so excited about their orders :)

    And you must, simply MUST, stop in Upland and have ice cream at Ivanhoe's.

    Can you tell I sorta like to eat my way through places? :)


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