Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Miscellany

It’s been a while since I did a Monday Miscellany. That’s probably been a good thing. And after you read this one you’ll be wishing I had continued its absence. Because the brain? MIA. Which did not keep me from writing this post with a good bit of pomp and hyperbole.

·         We had a pretty good holiday, as is evidenced by the stack of thank-you cards I haven’t written yet. But I think the habit of going to work and being productive has been broken. Actually, I worked pretty hard the three days I went into the office last week. And I’m pretty sure that my one day in the office this week (tomorrow) will be pretty darn busy. I’m really talking about the habit of working around the house. [Brief pause while you all laugh loud & long at the idea that I had a work habit at home before the holiday.]

·         OK, now that that’s out of your system, please consider my floors and all the surfaces not covered by Christmas detritus. Are they not in need of attention? Will they get this attention on this, the last opportunity I will have to clean before January 14th? We’re all on pins & needles at the Bug household, and we have a suspicion that if the author of this blog would quit writing this post and get off her bum, then perhaps things would happen. Unfortunately those things might not include cleaning.

·         Enough about dirt (and its more benign cousin, clutter). Why, you ask, will I be unable to clean until January 14th? Dr. M and I are going to a history conference on Wednesday. It’s in Chicago. In January. I’ve never been to Chicago, but from what I understand, I’m packing as though I’m headed to Alaska. I’ve heard it might be cold. In fact, I was fussing about my hair when I realized that my penguin hat might not ever leave my head until we get back home on Sunday.

·         Here’s something completely unrelated to cleaning: it’s snowing! We’re finally getting our first real snow of the season. I can be all happy because I have nowhere to go today.

All right – time to go get the blue devil out. Any minute now. Yep. I’ll just check Facebook one more time, maybe play a little bit of Words with Friends. Then I’ll clean. Really.


  1. Yeah, that's me. I'm at the grocery store right now... really. Well, soon.

  2. Days off are for relaxing! What a coincidence about your trip to Chicago. Bob and I are planning one soon. We are close enough to drive there for the weekend. I think you will be surprised at how nice it is.

  3. Writing a post is sooo much more important than cleaning! I've never been to Chicago either, but from what I've heard, it's probably a smart thing to dress as if it's Alaska!
    We may get some snow this afternoon, but mostly in the mountains. We have an admin day tomorrow, so I don't want to waste a snow day on a day when the kids aren't there!

  4. A clean house is a sign of a sick mind...or something like that. Who wants to clean when there's blogging to do or places to visit?
    Enjoy your trip and keep that penguin hat close!

  5. What a coincidence - SWMBO just finished her post holiday vacuuming, a job she loves just about as well as you. I found the "Blue Devil", printed it out and took it to her for a laugh.

  6. I've had so much time off recently I'm now bored stiff. I would almost welcome the opportunity to clean house. I said ALMOST. *wink*


  7. Our tree has been properly disassembled, boxed and stored in the garage with the other Christmas decorations. Our house is clean, decluttered and ready for whatever 2012 has to throw at us. It's almost like the holidays never happened. That is until the credit card bill arrives.

  8. Chicago in January -- yikes! Best of luck with that one. (I've never been then, though, so I can't testify to the cold from personal experience.)

    As for cleaning, I bizarrely LOVE to clean. In fact, I might procrastinate on the blogging in order to clean!

  9. You crack me up. And Chicago? Oh, bitter cold. And the wind! It will push you along on icy streets and then push you down. I hated the wind in winter the year Ilived there.

  10. Yep...cold in Chicago in January. Bella got a penguin hat for Christmas and too bad she had no use for it in Iowa (too warm this holiday) and well...we live in CA, but she loves it so much she might be willing to sweat a little just to wear it!!

  11. Procrastination is MY middle name. You are treading on thin ice, Ms. Bug.

    I did get my tree down yesterday. It helps that it folds up like an umbrella. I was really tempted to leave the ornaments on for easier decorating in December. I did not.

    Chicago in January? I have one word for you: Wool. And lots of it.

  12. Dr. M was so inspired by this post that he started vacuuming yesterday! Which of course caused me to mop, dust & clean the bathroom. AND I wrote the thank you notes! We were on fire!

  13. i did the grocery thing we had KFC for dinner, SWAK!
    Wish it would snow here.
    The Windy just that...and be careful the penguin doesn't fly off your head!
    Love me some shoppin' in Chi town...enjoy!

  14. Cleaning...what's that?

  15. Cleaning...what's that?

  16. Isn't easy just to check one more blog or Facebook one more time? The cleaning can wait! Or...can it?

  17. All of us had a little bit of the brain going on vacation. Isn't that what the holidays are all about?


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